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CompTIA N10-009 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A network engineer wants to implement a new IDS between the switch and a router connected to the LAN. The engineer does not want to introduce any latency by placing the IDS in line with the gateway. The engineer does want to ensure that the IDS sees all packets without any loss. Which of the following is the best way for the engineer to implement the IDS?
A. Use a network tap.
B. Use Nmap software.
C. Use a protocol analyzer.
D. Use a port mirror.

D. Use a port mirror.
Reference: CompTIA Network+ Certification Exam Objectives - Network Security section.

Question # 2

Which of the following best describes a group of devices that is used to lure unsuspecting attackers and to study the attackers' activities?
A. Geofencing
B. Honeynet
C. Jumpbox
D. Screened subnet

B. Honeynet
Explanation: A honeynet is a network of honeypots designed to attract and study attackers. Honeypots are decoy systems set up to lure cyber attackers and analyze their activities. A honeynet, being a collection of these systems, provides a broader view of attack methods and patterns, helping organizations improve their security measures. References: CompTIA Network+ Exam Objectives and official study guides.

Question # 3

A virtual machine has the following configuration:

•IPv4 address:
•Subnet mask:

The virtual machine can reach colocated systems but cannot reach external addresses on the Internet. Which of the following Is most likely the root cause?
A. Thesubnet mask is incorrect.
B. TheDHCP server is offline.
C. TheIP address is an RFC1918 private address.
D. TheDNS server is unreachable.

B. TheDHCP server is offline.

Question # 4

A network administrator is planning to host a company application in the cloud, making the application available for all internal and third-party users. Which of the following concepts describes this arrangement?
A. Multitenancy
D. SaaS

A. Multitenancy
Multitenancy is a cloud computing architecture where a single instance of software serves multiple customers or tenants. Each tenant's data is isolated and remains invisible to other tenants. Hosting a company application in the cloud to be available for both internal and third-party users fits this concept, as it allows shared resources and infrastructure while maintaining data separation and security. References: CompTIA Network+ Exam Objectives and official study guides.

Question # 5

An IT manager needs to connect ten sites in a mesh network. Each needs to be secured with reduced provisioning time. Which of the following technologies will best meet this requirement?

Definition of SD-WAN:

Software-Defined Wide Area Network (SD-WAN) is a technology that simplifies the management and operation of a WAN by decoupling the networking hardware from its control mechanism. It allows for centralized management and enhanced security.

Benefits of SD-WAN:

Reduced Provisioning Time: SD-WAN enables quick and easy deployment of new sites with centralized control and automation.
Security: Incorporates advanced security features such as encryption, secure tunneling, and integrated firewalls.
Scalability: Easily scales to accommodate additional sites and bandwidth requirements.

Comparison with Other Technologies:

VXLAN (Virtual Extensible LAN): Primarily used for network virtualization within data centers.
VPN (Virtual Private Network): Provides secure connections but does not offer the centralized management and provisioning efficiency of SD-WAN.
NFV (Network Functions Virtualization): Virtualizes network services but does not specifically address WAN management and provisioning.


SD-WAN solutions are implemented by deploying edge devices at each site and connecting them to a central controller. This allows for dynamic routing, traffic management, and security policy enforcement.

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