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NCA-6.10 Dumps Questions With Valid Answers

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  • Total Questions: 50
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025
  • Certification: Nutanix Certified Associate (NCA)
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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Nutanix Certified Associate (NCA) Exam Dumps


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Nutanix NCA-6.10 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

An administrator is performing AHV upgrades on an 8-node cluster configured with Redundancy Factor 3.
How many nodes would be placed into maintenance mode simultaneously?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

A. 1
In a cluster configured with Redundancy Factor 3 (RF3), the system ensures that data is replicated across at least three nodes to tolerate the failure of two nodes. During an AHV upgrade, Nutanix only placesone node at a timeinto maintenance mode, even in an RF3 configuration, to minimize the impact on data redundancy and cluster operations.
A. 1:Correct, as AHV upgrades proceed node by node in RF3.
B. 2, C. 3, D. 4:These options are incorrect, as only one node is upgraded at a time regardless of RF3.
Nutanix AOS Upgrade Guide.
Nutanix Support KB Article on RF3 Behavior and Maintenance.

Question # 2

When configuring a physical network switch in Prism Element, what information is required?
A. DNS Configuration
B. NTP Configuration
C. SMTP Configuration
D. SNMP Configuration

D. SNMP Configuration
When configuring a physical network switch in Prism Element,SNMP Configurationis required to enable monitoring and communication between the Nutanix cluster and the network switch. SNMP (Simple Network Management Protocol) is used to gather metrics and detect issues such as link failures or performance bottlenecks, ensuring the cluster operates efficiently with the physical network infrastructure. References:
Nutanix Network Management Guide - SNMP Configuration.
Nutanix Administration Guide - Configuring Switches for Monitoring

Question # 3

What role does a Replication Factor of 2 or 3 play in ensuring data integrity and recovery?
A. It limits the scope of hardware failures during recovery operations.
B. It ensures that multiple copies of data are available for recovery.
C. It accelerates data transfer to remote backup sites.
D. It reduces the need for offsite backup solutions.

B. It ensures that multiple copies of data are available for recovery.
Replication Factor (RF) defines the number of copies of data stored in a Nutanix cluster. RF2 ensures two copies of data, and RF3 ensures three copies. This redundancy allows the system to maintain data integrity and recoverability even in the event of hardware failures.
A. It limits the scope of hardware failures during recovery operations:Incorrect, as RF focuses on data replication, not limiting failure scopes.
B. It ensures that multiple copies of data are available for recovery:Correct, as RF directly relates to data redundancy and recovery capabilities.
C. It accelerates data transfer to remote backup sites:Incorrect, as RF does not affect remote backup speed.
D. It reduces the need for offsite backup solutions:Incorrect, as RF works within the cluster, not as a replacement for offsite backups.
Nutanix Bible: Replication Factor Overview.
Nutanix Support Documentation on RF2 and RF3.

Question # 4

What priority case can be opened to guarantee a 8-hour response for a customer with Production Support?
A. P1
B. P2
C. P3
D. P4

A. P1
APriority 1 (P1)case guarantees an8-hour response timefor customers with Production Support. P1 cases are designated for critical issues that severely impact business operations orcause a complete system outage, requiring immediate attention from Nutanix Support.Other priorities:
P2: High-impact issues but not critical, response time varies.
P3: Medium impact, typically non-urgent issues.
P4: Low priority, general inquiries or minor issues.
Nutanix Support SLA Documentation - Priority Levels.
Nutanix Production Support Details - Case Handling.

Question # 5

A Veeam Backup appliance, which uses iSCSI, must be deployed into an AHV-based cluster.
What must be configured to allow Veeam to connect to the Nutanix cluster?
A. Network Segmentation
B. Nutanix Objects
C. Prism Central
D. Data Services IP

D. Data Services IP
For a Veeam Backup appliance using iSCSI to connect to an AHV-based Nutanix cluster, aData Services IP (DSIP)must be configured. The DSIP is a virtual IP that allows external systems to communicate with Nutanix storage using protocols such as iSCSI. This ensures seamless connectivity between Veeam and the Nutanix cluster.
A. Network Segmentation:While network segmentation is important for security, it is not specifically required for iSCSI connectivity.
B. Nutanix Objects:Nutanix Objects is used for object storage, not iSCSI connectivity.
C. Prism Central:Prism Central is used for multi-cluster management but is not involved in configuring iSCSI.
D. Data Services IP:Correct, as it enables external systems to connect via iSCSI.
Nutanix AHV Administration Guide: Data Services IP Configuration.
Veeam and Nutanix Integration Documentation.

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