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Nutanix NCP-MCA Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

An administrator manages a Nutanix cluster with 630 VMs, all of which are in production. The Accounting department wants to be notified when any of their production VMs exceed 90% CPU usage or 90% memory usage. Their VMs are categorized as LOB:Accounting. How should the administrator satisfy this request from the Accounting department?
A. Direct the VM users to generate alerts within the affected VMs.
B. Create a dashboard in Prism Central with the CPU Usage.
C. Create a category named Department with the value Accounting.
D. Create an Alert with the Accounting category assigned.

D. Create an Alert with the Accounting category assigned.


Alerts are a way of monitoring the health and performance of the Nutanix cluster and the VMs running on it. Alerts can be triggered by various metrics, such as CPU usage, memory usage, disk space, network traffic, etc. Alerts can also be configured to send notifications to the administrator or other recipients via email, Slack, PagerDuty, etc. To satisfy the request from the Accounting department, the administrator should create an Alert with the following settings:

Trigger: CPU Usage (%) > 90 OR Memory Usage (%) > 90

Scope: VM

Category: LOB:Accounting

Notification: Email to accounting@company.com This way, the Alert will only apply to the VMs that belong to the Accounting department, and will send an email notification to the Accounting department when any of their VMs exceed the specified thresholds. References: Nutanix Multicloud Automation Administration (NMCAA), page 9; Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Automation (NCP-MCA), section 1; [Nutanix Prism Central Guide - Alerts]

[Reference: https://portal.nutanix.com/page/documents/details?targetId=Prism-Central-Guide-Prism-v6_0:ale-alert-health-toc-auto-u.html, ]

Question # 2

An administrator has been tasked with creating a multicloud, three-tier application using Calm. The application needs to consist of:

A MongoDB backend database

A NodeJS Javascript runtime environment

An NGINX webserver

The administrator has access to an AWS account, as well as a locally hosted Nutanix cluster. The three parts of the application should be fully redundant, and be able to tolerate either a cloud provider outage, or a local Nutanix cluster outage.

What is the most appropriate solution the administrator should choose in order to meet the requirements?

A. Create a Calm blueprint with MongoDB, Node/S, and NGINX VMs running on Nutanix, as well as an NGINX server running in AWS on US-WEST-1 and US-EAST-1.
B. Create a Calm blueprint with MongoDB, Node/S and NGINX VMs running on Nutanix, and a separate blueprint for MongoDB, NodeJS, and NGINX running in AWS on US-WEST-1 and US-EAST-1.
C. Create a Calm blueprint with MongoDB, NodelS, and NGINX VMs running on Nutanix, as well as MongoDB, NodeJS, and NGINX servers running in AWS on US-WEST-1 and US-EAST-1.
D. Create a Calm blueprint with MongoDB, NodelS, and NGINX VMs running on Nutanix, then manually create three EC2 instances for MongoDB, NodeJS and NGINX in AWS running on US-WEST-1 and US-EAST-1.

C. Create a Calm blueprint with MongoDB, NodelS, and NGINX VMs running on Nutanix, as well as MongoDB, NodeJS, and NGINX servers running in AWS on US-WEST-1 and US-EAST-1.

This solution meets the requirements of creating a multicloud, three-tier application using Calm. It ensures that each tier of the application has a redundant copy running on both Nutanix and AWS, and that the application can tolerate either a cloud provider outage or a local Nutanix cluster outage. The other options do not provide full redundancy for each tier, or require manual intervention to create the AWS instances. References: Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Automation (NCP-MCA) Exam Blueprint Guide, page 10; Nutanix Multicloud Automation Administration (NMCAA) Course, Module 5: Blueprints.

Question # 3

What is the minimum number of actions required in the Branch Condition for X-Play?
A. 1
B. 2
C. 3
D. 4

B. 2

A Branch Condition is a type of action in X-Play that allows you to create conditional logic based on the output of a previous action or a custom expression. A Branch Condition can have multiple branches, each with a different condition and a different set of actions to execute if the condition is met. The minimum number of actions required in a Branch Condition is two: one for the condition itself, and one for the action to perform if the condition is true. If the condition is false, the Branch Condition will skip to the next action in the Playbook. You can add more branches to a Branch Condition, but you cannot have less than two. References: Nutanix Calm: Playbooks - Read the Docs and Nutanix Calm: Branch Condition - Read the Docs.

Question # 4

An administrator manages two Nutanix clusters: Cluster01 and Cluster02 and has needs to automate similar workload types using these images that are located on Cluster01:


The administrator needs to deploy ImageA and ImageC within the Cluster02 environment. How this can be achieved?
A. Configure a Protection Domain to replicate images.
B. Clone the images from the Cluster01 to Cluster02.
C. All images are available to all clusters managed by a single Prism Central.
D. Utilize Prism Central image placement policies.

A. Configure a Protection Domain to replicate images.

Protection Domains are a Nutanix feature that allows you to replicate data across clusters or to a remote site. You can use Protection Domains to replicate images from one cluster to another, and then use them for workload automation. This is one of the methods documented in the Nutanix Solutions Portal for Citrix MCS on Nutanix AHV1. Alternatively, you can also use Prism Central to manage multiple clusters and use Protection Policies to replicate images across clusters2. However, this option is not listed in the question, so the best answer is A. References:

1: Multi Cluster Image Replication for Citrix MCS on Nutanix
2: Nutanix Certified Professional - Multicloud Automation (NCP-MCA) Exam Blueprint Guide

[Reference: https://portal.nutanix.com/page/documents/details?targetId=Prism-Central-Guide-Prism-v6_0:mul-image-placement-policy-pc-c.html, ]

Question # 5

An administrator needs to enable Showback in Calm to allow departments to see costs associated with their Projects. Where in Calm would the administrator enable Showback?
A. Marketplace
B. Projects
C. Setting

C. Setting
Showback is a feature in Calm that allows administrators to track and report the costs of running applications and projects on different cloud platforms. Showback can be enabled in the Setting menu of Calm, under the Showback tab. There, the administrator can configure the cost models, cloud accounts, and currency for Showback. Showback can also be accessed from the Dashboard menu, where the administrator can view the cost reports and charts for different applications and projects. References:



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