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Nutanix NCS-Core Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A consultant is conducting a vSphere cluster deployment. As a part of operational tests, a vMotion operation is performed on a test VM, but fails with following error message:
The VMotion failed because the ESX hosts were not able to connect over the VMotion network. Please check your VMotion network settings and physical network configuration.
VMotion [184329483:1276605211167987] failed to create connection with remote host <>: The ESX hosts failed to connect over the VMotion network Migration [184329483:1276605211167987] failed to connect to remote host <>: Timeout What issue could prevent the vMotion operation from completing successfully?
A. The vmknic is configured with a conflicting IP address.
B. NIOC is enabled and vMotion traffic is configured with Share value SO.
C. Foundation service prevents connectivity between the source and the destination TCP port 8000.
D. The vSS is configured with Route based on originating virtual port.

A. The vmknic is configured with a conflicting IP address.
Explanation: The failure of the vMotion operation indicated by the error message could most plausibly be caused by: A. The vmknic (VMkernel network interface card) configured with a conflicting IP address. This conflict can prevent the ESXi hosts from establishing a connection over the VMotion network, as each host must have a unique IP address on the VMotion network to facilitate proper migration communications. Option B, involving NIOC settings, and option D, involving vSS configuration, could influence performance but are less likely to cause a complete failure to connect. Option C, related to the Foundation service, is not relevant to vMotion networking issues directly. References: VMware vSphere Networking Documentation, Nutanix Integration with VMware Environments.

Question # 2

During the knowledge transfer on Prism GUI, a customer asked about AHV best practices for VM High Availability on a five-node cluster and the safest configuration. The consultant informed the customer that best practices dictate that all storage containers are configured with a replication factor of 3.
What will be the behavior if the non-default Guarantee mode is selected on Prism with two AHV host failures?
A. Keeping the default mode will ensure that all VMs can restart in case of two AHV host failures.
B. Keeping the default mode will ensure that all VMs can restart in case of an AHV host failure.
C. Will ensure that all VMs can restart if two AHV nodes remains online.
D. Will ensure that all VMs can restart in case of two simultaneous AHV host failures.

D. Will ensure that all VMs can restart in case of two simultaneous AHV host failures.
Explanation: In a five-node cluster with storage containers configured with a replication factor of 3, the behavior of VM High Availability when two AHV host failures occur with the non-default "Guarantee mode" enabled is as follows:
Will ensure that all VMs can restart in case of two simultaneous AHV host failures: This mode prioritizes maintaining VM availability by reserving enough resources to restart VMs even with multiple host failures, as long as at least three hosts (matching the replication factor) remain functional.

Question # 3

A customer wants to use NIC teaming on an ESXi host using a vSphere Standard Switch configured with the Route based on physical NIC load load balancing option. The customer does not see the option when editing the Teaming and Failover settings for the switch. How should the consultant resolve this issue?
A. Change the load balancing option on the switch.
B. Add a vSphere Distributed Switch
C. Add another physical NIC to the team.
D. Install a vCenter server to manage the switch

D. Install a vCenter server to manage the switch
Explanation: For a customer to use NIC teaming with the "Route based on physical NIC load" load balancing option on an ESXi host using a vSphere Standard Switch, they need vCenter Server. This specific load balancing method is not available on a vSphere Standard Switch without vCenter management, as it requires vSphere Distributed Switch capabilities that are managed via vCenter Server. By installing a vCenter server, the customer can upgrade from vSphere Standard to Distributed Switches and access more advanced features including the desired NIC teaming option.References: VMware vSphere Documentation, Nutanix Bible.

Question # 4

A customer has an ESXi cluster with two 10GbE NICs on each node and the following requirements.

◦Solution must follow Nutanix Best Practices
◦Network configuration should be redundant
◦A vSphere Distributed Switch will be utilized

Which load balancing configuration should be used?
A. Route based on IP hash
B. Route based on source MAC hash
C. Route based on originating port ID
D. Route based on physical NIC load

A. Route based on IP hash
Explanation: For a customer using an ESXi cluster with two 10GbE NICs on each node and a vSphere Distributed Switch, the recommended load balancing configuration, following Nutanix Best Practices for redundancy and efficiency, is "Route based on IP hash." This setting allows for optimal utilization of network bandwidth and redundancy by distributing the traffic based on the IP address pairings, ensuring a balanced load across the physical NICs.References: Nutanix Bible, Nutanix University NCS-Core 6.8 learning materials

Question # 5

A customer already has a Prism Central (PC) instance deployed in their environment and expects the consultant to unregister the old cluster before registering the new cluster What steps should the consultant take to safely and successfully unregister the customer's former cluster from PC?
A. Login to any CVM using SSH and use the multicluster command found within NCLi, followed by the unregistration_cleanup.py script on PE and PC.
B. Login to the PC Web UI, locate the PE cluster and click Unregister from the Actions dropdown menu.
C. Login to any PCVM using SSH and run the PE_unreglster.py script located in the Nutanix scripts directory, followed by the unregistratlon_cleanup.py script
D. Login to the PC Web Ul, navigate to Cluster Registrations found under settings in the Admin Center, check the box next to the desired PE. and click Remove

D. Login to the PC Web Ul, navigate to Cluster Registrations found under settings in the Admin Center, check the box next to the desired PE. and click Remove

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