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Netapp NS0-604 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A StorageGRID administrator needs to protect a very important Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket. The administrator must keep a local replicated copy of a bucket for performance, a geo-dispersed erasure-coded copy of the bucket for durability, and a full copy of the bucket in Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive for backup. Which NetApp feature should the administrator configure?
A. Cloud Storage Pool
B. FabricPool
C. Flash Pool
D. Dynamic Disk Pool

A. Cloud Storage Pool

The appropriate NetApp feature to use in this scenario is aCloud Storage Pool. A Cloud Storage Pool in NetApp StorageGRID allows the administrator to tier data to public clouds like Amazon S3 Glacier Deep Archive. This feature lets the administrator keep local replicated copies for performance, geo-dispersederasure-coded copies for durability, and tier cold or backup data to Glacier for long-term retention and cost savings.

FabricPool (B)andFlash Pool (C)are not relevant to S3 data tiering and bucket replication in StorageGRID.Dynamic Disk Pool (D)is more applicable to disk management in traditional storage arrays, not for managing S3 bucket replicas across different storage locations.

Question # 2

A customer wants to protect data against abnormal behavior for NetApp ONTAP file systems and NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP. The customer wants to monitor volume workload activity and data entropy. Which two NetApp solutions can help the customer? (Choose two.)
A. Cloud Insights Storage Workload Security
B. BlueXP backup and recovery
C. ONTAP Autonomous Ransomware Protection

A. Cloud Insights Storage Workload Security

To protect data against abnormal behavior for NetApp ONTAP file systems and NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP, and to monitor volume workload activity and data entropy, the customer should use the following two solutions:

Cloud Insights Storage Workload Security (A): This solution offers monitoring and security analytics, which can detect abnormal behavior, such as unusual workload patterns or entropy, indicating potential security threats or inefficiencies.

ONTAP Autonomous Ransomware Protection (D): This feature within ONTAP automatically monitors and protects data by analyzing patterns that could indicate ransomware attacks. It detects abnormal changes in data patterns and acts to prevent potential ransomware from encrypting the data.

BlueXP backup and recovery (B)is focused on data protection and recovery rather than monitoring abnormal behavior.BlueXP operational resiliency (C)focuses on ensuring operational uptime and resilience but is not specifically targeted toward detecting abnormal activity or entropy.

Question # 3

Which two widget types are available when creating dashboards in NetApp Cloud Insights? (Choose two.)
A. machine learning
B. VMware
C. note
D. single value

C. note
D. single value

When creating dashboards in NetApp Cloud Insights, two of the available widget types are:

Note (C): This widget allows users to add explanatory text or annotations to the dashboard. It helps provide context or details regarding the displayed metrics or data.

Single Value (D): This widget is used to display a single metric or value prominently. It is useful for tracking specific KPIs or performance metrics in a simple and easy-to-read format.

Machine learning (A)is not a widget type; rather, it is a feature that Cloud Insights uses to provide intelligent insights from collected data.VMware (B)is not a widget but can be a data source that Cloud Insights monitors.

Question # 4

A customer wants to create a flexible solution to consolidate data in the cloud. They want to share files globally and cache a subset on distributed locations. Which two components does the customer need? (Choose two.)
A. NetApp BlueXP edge caching Edge instances
B. Flash Cache intelligent caching
C. NetApp BlueXP copy and sync
D. NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP

A. NetApp BlueXP edge caching Edge instances
D. NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP

For a company looking to create a flexible, cloud-based solution that consolidates data and shares files globally while caching a subset in distributed locations, the following two components are required:

NetApp BlueXP edge caching Edge instances (A): This enables customers to create edge caches in distributed locations. The edge instances cache frequently accessed data locally, while the full data set remains in the central cloud storage. This setup optimizes performance for remote locations by reducing latency for cached data and improving access speeds.

NetApp Cloud Volumes ONTAP (D): Cloud Volumes ONTAP provides scalable and efficient cloud storage management for the customer's data. It supports global file sharing and allows for seamless integration with edge caching solutions. This component ensures that the data is centralized in the cloud and is available for caching to distributed locations using edge instances.

Flash Cache intelligent caching (B)is more relevant for on-premises storage performance rather than cloud-based solutions, andBlueXP copy and sync (C)is used for data migration or synchronization, but does not provide global file sharing or edge caching capabilities.

Question # 5

A customer has different on-premises workloads with a need for less than 2ms latency. Which two service levels in NetApp Keystone storage as a service (STaaS) does the customer need? (Choose two.)
A. Extreme
B. Standard
C. Premium
D. Performance

A. Extreme
C. Premium

NetApp Keystone Storage as a Service (STaaS) offers various service levels depending on performance and latency requirements. For workloads that require less than 2ms latency, the two relevant service levels are:

Extreme (A): This service level is designed for the most latency-sensitive and high-performance workloads. It provides ultra-low latency (<2ms) and is ideal for applications that demand top-tier performance.

Premium (C): The Premium service level also supports low latency, typically less than 2ms, making it suitable for workloads with moderate to high performance requirements.

Standard (B)andPerformance (D)service levels provide higher latency and are not suitable for workloads requiring less than 2ms latency.

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