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Fortinet NSE6_FSW-7.2 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

What can an administrator do to maintain the existing standalone FortlSwltch configuration while changing the management mode to FortLink?
A. Use a migration tool based on python script to convert the configuration
B. Enable the Forti-link setting on FortiSwitch before the authorization process
C. FortiGate will automatically save the existing FortiSwitch configuration during the Forti-link management process.
D. Register FortiSwitch to For1ISwitch Cloud to save a copy before managing by Forti-Gate.

B. Enable the Forti-link setting on FortiSwitch before the authorization process

To switch the management mode of a FortiSwitch from standalone to FortiLink without losing the existing configuration, the best practice is: Enable the Forti-Link setting on FortiSwitch before the authorization process (Option B): This action ensures that the FortiSwitch is prepared to integrate into the FortiGate’s network without resetting its configuration. By enabling FortiLink beforehand, the switch can communicate and synchronize with the FortiGate while retaining its current settings.

Fortinet’s documentation often highlights the importance of correctly configuring both FortiGate and FortiSwitch to ensure seamless integration without data loss. This procedure usually involves setting the appropriate management interface settings on the FortiSwitch to anticipate the FortiLink mode.

Question # 2

Which two statements about the FortiLink authorization process are true? (Choose two.)
A. The administrator must manually pre-authorize FortiGate on FortiSwitch by adding the FortiGate serial number.
B. FortiSwitch requires a reboot to complete the authorization process.
C. A FortiLink frame is sent by FortiGate to FortiSwitch to complete the authorization.
D. FortiLink authorization sets the FortiSwitch management mode to FortiLink.

C. A FortiLink frame is sent by FortiGate to FortiSwitch to complete the authorization.
D. FortiLink authorization sets the FortiSwitch management mode to FortiLink.
The FortiLink authorization process is an integral part of setting up FortiSwitch to be managed by FortiGate. The correct statements regarding the FortiLink authorization process are:

C. A FortiLink frame is sent by FortiGate to FortiSwitch to complete the authorization.This is a part of the FortiLink protocol, where FortiGate communicates with the connected FortiSwitch to establish management and control. This frameinitiates the configuration and management process, allowing FortiGate to effectively control the switch.

D. FortiLink authorization sets the FortiSwitch management mode to FortiLink.Once authorized, the management mode of FortiSwitch is set to FortiLink, indicating that it is being managed via a FortiLink connection from a FortiGate appliance. This changes the operational mode of the switch to be under the control of the FortiGate for centralized management and policy application.

Question # 3

What feature can network administrators use to segment network operations and the administration of managed FortiSwitch devices on FortiGate?
A. FortiGate multi-tenancy
B. Multi-chassis link aggregation trunk
C. FortiGate clustering protocol
D. FortiLink split interface

A. FortiGate multi-tenancy

FortiGate's multi-tenancy feature, specifically Virtual Domains (VDOMs), is the most appropriate tool for segmenting network operations and the administration of managed FortiSwitch devices on FortiGate. Here's why:

VDOMs as Virtual Firewalls:VDOMs function as independent virtual firewalls within a single FortiGate device. Each VDOM can have its own:

  • Security policies
  • Interfaces (Including FortiLink interfaces for FortiSwitch management)
  • Routing table
  • Administrative access

Segmenting Network Operations: By assigning different FortiSwitch devices (or groups of ports) to separate VDOMs, you effectively partition your network. Network administrators can manage specific FortiSwitches through their assigned VDOMs, maintaining operational isolation.

Enhanced Administration: VDOMs offer granular administrative control. Different administrators can be assigned to specific VDOMs, limiting their management scope and reducing the risk of accidental configuration changes.

Why Other Options Are Less Suitable:

B. Multi-chassis link aggregation trunk: This focuses on link redundancy and bandwidth aggregation, not network segmentation.
C. FortiGate clustering protocol: This is aimed at high availability and scalability of the firewall functions themselves, not the management of switches.
D. FortiLink split interface: This allows dividing a FortiLink interface on the FortiGate for managing multiple FortiSwitches, but it doesn't provide the true segmentation and administrative isolation that VDOMs offer.

Question # 4

Which two statements about 802.1X authentication on FortiSwitch ports are true? (Choose two.)
A. All hosts behind an authenticated port are allowed access after a successful authentica-tion.
B. A security policy is used to apply 802.1 authentication on a port.
C. A local user database must be used to authenticate devices using the 802.1X authentica-tion protocol.
D. All devices connecting to FortiSwitch must support 802.1X authentication.

A. All hosts behind an authenticated port are allowed access after a successful authentica-tion.
D. All devices connecting to FortiSwitch must support 802.1X authentication.

All hosts behind an authenticated port are allowed access after a successful authentication (A): Once a device on a port successfully authenticates using 802.1X, all other devices connected behind that port also gain network access. This is typical in scenarios where a switch is behind an authenticated port and not each device individually authenticates.

All devices connecting to FortiSwitch must support 802.1X authentication (D): For a network secured with 802.1X, all devices attempting to connect through the FortiSwitch must support and participate in 802.1X authentication to gain access. This ensures that all devices on the network are authenticated before they are allowed to communicate on the network.

Question # 5

Which two rules used by MSTP are similar to rules used by other STP methods? (Choose two.)
A. MSTP uses port role election, similar to rapid STP on the instances.
B. MSTP uses alternate path and primary path, similar to regular STP.
C. MSTP uses root bridge selection, similar to rapid STP
D. MSTP uses timers for transitioning the ports, similar to regular STP.

C. MSTP uses root bridge selection, similar to rapid STP
D. MSTP uses timers for transitioning the ports, similar to regular STP.

MSTP maintains core concepts of spanning tree protocols, making these answers correct:

Root Bridge Selection: Like all STP variants, MSTP elects a root bridge for each MST instance (MSTI).expand_more Each MSTI has its own spanning tree topology, and the root bridge determination process is essential.

Port State Timers: MSTP relies on timers (Hello, Forward Delay, Max Age) to control transitions between port states (Blocking, Listening, Learning, Forwarding) – a fundamental principle shared with other STP implementations.expand_more

Why Other Options Are Less Accurate:

A. MSTP uses port role election, similar to rapid STP on the instances.While port roles exist in MSTP, there are nuanced differences compared to RSTP. MSTP assigns port roles within each MSTI, not on a global, per-switch basis like RSTP.

B. MSTP uses alternate path and primary path, similar to regular STP. The concept of alternate and root ports exists in classic STP. MSTP utilizes a different approach within each MSTI, potentially using multiple active paths at the same time.

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