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Fortinet NSE7_PBC-7.2 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

You are automating configuration changes on one of the FortiGate VMS using Linux Red Hat Ansible.
How does Linux Red Hat Ansible connect to FortiGate to make the configuration change?
A. It uses a FortiGate internal or external IP address with TCP port 21
B. It uses SSH as a connection method to FortiOS.
C. It uses an API.
D. It uses YAML

C. It uses an API.
Ansible connects to FortiGate using an API, which is a method of communication between different software components. Ansible uses the fortios_* modules to interact with the FortiOS API, which is a RESTful API that allows configuration and monitoring of FortiGate devices12. Ansible can use either HTTP or HTTPS as the transport protocol, and can authenticate with either a username and password or an API token3.
The other options are incorrect because:
  • Ansible does not use TCP port 21 to connect to FortiGate. Port 21 is typically used for FTP, which is not supported by FortiOS4.
  • Ansible does not use SSH as a connection method to FortiOS. SSH is a secure shell protocol that allows remote command execution and file transfer, but it is not the preferred way of automating configuration changes on FortiGate devices.
  • Ansible does not use YAML to connect to FortiGate. YAML is a data serialization language that Ansible uses to write playbooks and inventory files, but it is not a connection method.

Question # 2

Refer to the exhibit.

What would be the impact of confirming to delete all the resources in Terraform?
A. It destroys all the resources in the . tfvars file
B. It destroys all the resources tied to the AWS Identity and Access Management (1AM) user.
C. It destroys all the resources in the resource group
D. It destroys all the resources in the state file.

D. It destroys all the resources in the state file.
Confirming to delete all the resources in Terraform will have the following impact:
D.It destroys all the resources in the state file.
Terraform State File Role: Theterraform.tfstatefile contains a real-time mapping of the resources that Terraform manages, including their current configuration and relationships. This file tracks the actual state of resources provisioned by Terraform.
Impact of Destruction: When Terraform prompts for confirmation to destroy resources, and 'yes' is entered, Terraform reads the state file and systematically removes all the resources that are managed as part of that state. This is not limited to a specific .tfvars file, IAM user, or resource group—it is a global action that affects all resources tracked by the state file associated with the current Terraform workspace and configuration.
References: The function of theterraform.tfstatefile and the impact of resource destruction are detailed in Terraform's official documentation. This behavior is fundamental to how Terraform manages infrastructure as code.

Question # 3

Refer to the exhibit
A. There is no connection between VPC A and VPC B.
B. There is no elastic IP address attached to FortiGate in the Security VPC.
C. The Transit Gateway BGP IP address is incorrect.
D. There is no internet gateway attached to the Spoke VPC A.

D. There is no internet gateway attached to the Spoke VPC A.
Explanation: This is because the Linux1 EC2 instance is not accessible directly from the internet using its public IP address in AWS.
An internet gateway is a horizontally scaled, redundant, and highly available VPC component that allows communication between instances in your VPC and the internet. Without an internet gateway, the Linux1 EC2 instance cannot receive or send traffic to or from the internet, even if it has a public IP address assigned to it.
To fix this issue, you need to attach an internet gateway to the Spoke VPC A and configure a route table that directs internet-bound traffic to the internet gateway. You also need to ensure that the Linux1 EC2 instance has a security group that allows inbound and outbound traffic on the desired ports.

Question # 4

Refer to the exhibit.
A. Run a debug flow to check any network ACLs
B. Check the FortiGate firewall policies
C. Check the FortiGate instance ID
D. Check the inbound network security group rules

D. Check the inbound network security group rules
Considering the situation where the administrator is unable to access the FortiGate VM using its public IP address and no traffic is reaching the FortiGate's external interface, the administrator should check:
D.Check the inbound network security group rules.
Network Security Group Rules: AWS uses security groups as a virtual firewall that controls inbound and outbound traffic to AWS resources such as EC2 instances. If the FortiGate VM’s public interface is not receiving HTTPS or SSH traffic, it's likely because the inbound security group rules associated with that interface are not allowing access on the necessary ports (HTTPS - port 443, SSH - port 22).
Troubleshooting: The administrator should verify that the security group rules for the FortiGate VM’s network interface allow inbound traffic on the specific ports used for management access. If these rules are absent or misconfigured, the intended traffic will be blocked, resulting in the inability to connect.
References: The role of security groups in network traffic management is a core concept in AWS and is outlined in AWS documentation. Checking security group rules is a standard troubleshooting step when dealing with connectivity issues to AWS resources.

Question # 5

How does Terraform keep track of provisioned resources?
A. It uses the terraform. tf state file
B. Terraform does not keep the state of resources created
C. It uses the terraform. tfvars file.
D. It uses the database. tf file.

A. It uses the terraform. tf state file

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