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Netskope NSK200 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

You are having issues with fetching user and group Information periodically from the domain controller and posting that information to your tenant instance in the Netskope cloud. To begin the troubleshooting process, what would you Investigate first in this situation?
A. On-Premises Log Parser
B. Directory Importer
C. DNS Connector
D. AD Connector

B. Directory Importer

The Directory Importer is a component of the Netskope Adapters that connects to the domain controller and periodically fetches user and group information to post that info to your tenant instance in the Netskope cloud1. If you are having issues with this process, the first thing you should investigate is the Directory Importer itself. You can check the status of the Directory Importer service, the configuration file, the logs, and the connectivity to the domain controller and the Netskope cloud2. Therefore, option B is correct and the other options are incorrect. References: Configure Directory Importer - Netskope Knowledge Portal, Troubleshooting Directory Importer - Netskope Knowledge Portal

Question # 2

You are using the Netskope DLP solution. You notice flies containing test data for credit cards are not triggering DLP events when uploaded to Dropbox. There are corresponding page events. Which two scenarios would cause this behavior? (Choose two.)
A. The Netskope client Is not steering Dropbox traffic.
B. The DLP rule has the severity threshold set to a value higher than the number of occurrences.
C. The credit card numbers in your test data are Invalid 16-dlglt numbers.
D. There is no API protection configured for Dropbox.

B. The DLP rule has the severity threshold set to a value higher than the number of occurrences.
C. The credit card numbers in your test data are Invalid 16-dlglt numbers.

There are two possible scenarios that would cause the behavior of files containing test data for credit cards not triggering DLP events when uploaded to Dropbox. One scenario is that the DLP rule has the severity threshold set to a value higher than the number of occurrences. This means that the rule will only trigger an event if the number of matches for the sensitive data exceeds the specified threshold. For example, if the rule has a severity threshold of 10 and the file contains only 5 credit card numbers, then no event will be generated. To fix this, you can lower the severity threshold or remove it altogether. The other scenario is that the credit card numbers in your test data are invalid 16-digit numbers.

This means that the numbers do not pass the Luhn algorithm check, which is a validation method used by Netskope DLP to detectvalid credit card numbers. For example, if the number is 1234-5678-9012-3456, then it is not a valid credit card number and will not be detected by Netskope DLP. To fix this, you can use valid test credit card numbers that pass the Luhn algorithm check. The other options are not valid scenarios for this behavior. The Netskope client is not steering Dropbox traffic is not a valid scenario because there are corresponding page events, which means that the traffic is being steered to Netskope. There is no API protection configured for Dropbox is not a valid scenario because API protection is not required for DLP detection on file uploads, which are handled by real-time protection. References: DLP Rule Settings1, Credit Card Number Detection2

Question # 3

Your company needs to keep quarantined files that have been triggered by a DLP policy. In this scenario, which statement Is true?
A. The files are stofed remotely In your data center assigned In the Quarantine profile.
B. The files are stored In the Netskope data center assigned in the Quarantine profile.
C. The files are stored In the Cloud provider assigned In the Quarantine profile.
D. The files are stored on the administrator console PC assigned In the Quarantine profile.

B. The files are stored In the Netskope data center assigned in the Quarantine profile.

When a policy flags a file to be quarantined, that file is placed in a quarantine folder and a tombstone file is put in the original location in its place. The quarantine folder is located in the Netskope data center assigned in the Quarantine profile. The Quarantine profile is configured in Settings > Threat Protection > API-enabled Protection. The quarantined file is zipped and protected with a password to prevent users from inadvertently downloading the file. Netskope then notifies the admin specified in the profile1. Therefore, option B is correct and the other options are incorrect. References: Quarantine - Netskope Knowledge Portal, Threat Protection - Netskope Knowledge Portal

Question # 4

The risk team at your company has determined that traffic from the sales team to a custom Web application should not be inspected by Netskope. All other traffic to the Web application should continue to be inspected. In this scenario, how would you accomplish this task?
A. Create a Do Not Decrypt Policy using User Group and Domainin the policy page.
B. Create a Do Not Decrypt Policy using Application in the policy page and a Steering Exception for Group
C. Create a Do Not Decrypt Policy using Destination IP and Application in the policy page.
D. Create a Do Not Decrypt Policy using Source IP and Application in the policy page.

A. Create a Do Not Decrypt Policy using User Group and Domainin the policy page.

To prevent traffic from the sales team to a custom Web application from being inspected by Netscape, you need to create a Do Not Decrypt Policy using User Group and Domain in the policy page. A Do Not Decrypt Policy allows you to specify the traffic you want to leave encrypted and not further analyzed by Netskope via the Real-time Protection policies3. You can use the User Group criteria to match the sales team members and the Domain criteria to match the custom Web application. This way, only the traffic from the sales team to the custom Web application will be exempted from decryption, while all other traffic to the Web application will continue to be inspected.

Question # 5

Your organization has three main locations with 30.000 hosts in each location. You are planning to deploy Netskope using iPsec tunnels for security. What are two considerations to make a successful connection in this scenario? (Choose two.)
A. browsers in use
B. operating systems
C. redundant POPs
D. number of hosts

C. redundant POPs
D. number of hosts

To deploy Netskope using IPSec tunnels for security in this scenario, two considerations to make a successful connection are C. redundant POPs and D. number of hosts. Redundant POPs are Points of Presence that are geographically distributed data centers that host the Netskope cloud platform. You need to consider redundant POPs to ensure high availability and resiliency of your IPSec tunnels in case of a failure or outage in one of the POPs. You can configure multiple IPSec tunnels from your network to different POPs and use dynamic routing protocols such as BGP to load balance and failover the traffic1. Number of hosts is the number of devices or endpoints that will use the IPSec tunnels to access the cloud services. You need to consider the number of hosts to estimate the bandwidth and throughput requirements of your IPSec tunnels and choose the appropriate POPs that can handle the traffic volume. You can use the Netskope Bandwidth Calculator tool to estimate the bandwidth and throughput based on the number of hosts, locations, and cloud services2. Therefore, options C and D are correct and the other options are incorrect. References: IPSec - Netskope Knowledge Portal, Netskope Bandwidth Calculator

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