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The Open Group OGEA-101 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Complete the following sentence:

Presenting different_________and_________to stakeholders helps architects to extract hidden agendas principles and requirements that could impact the final Target Architecture
A. Alternatives Trade-offs
B. Solutions Applications
C. Architecture Views Architecture Viewpoints
D. Business Scenarios Business Models

C. Architecture Views Architecture Viewpoints

According to the TOGAF Standard, an architecture view is a representation of a system from the perspective of a related set of concerns1. An architecture viewpoint is a specification of the conventions for a particular kind of architecture view1. Presenting different architecture views and architecture viewpoints to stakeholders helps architects to extract hidden agendas, principles, and requirements that could impact the final target architecture. This is because different stakeholders may have different concerns and interests in the system, and by showing them how the system addresses their concerns from different perspectives, the architects can elicit more feedback and validation from them2. For example, a business stakeholder may be interested in the business architecture view, which focuses on the business processes, functions, and capabilities of the system3. A security stakeholder may be interested in the enterprise security view, which addresses the security aspects of the system, such as confidentiality, integrity, and availability3. By presenting these views to the respective stakeholders, the architects can ensure that the system meets their expectations and needs, and also identify any potential issues or gaps that may affect the target architecture.

References: 1: The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2 - Architectural Artifacts - TheOpen Group1; 2: Understanding TOGAF Views and Viewpoints in Enterprise Architecture2; 3: Developing Architecture Views - The Open Group4

Question # 2

What is defined as the effect of uncertainty on objectives?
A. Vulnerability
B. Risk
C. Continuity
D. Threat

B. Risk

Risk is defined as the effect of uncertainty on objectives, according to the ISO 31000 standard, which provides principles and guidelines for risk management1 Risk can be positive or negative, depending on whether the uncertainty affects the achievement or the failure of the objectives. Risk can also be expressed in terms of likelihood and impact, which indicate the probability and the consequence of the risk occurrence. Risk management is the coordinated activities to direct and control an organization with regard to risk. Risk management is an integral part of the TOGAF standard, as it helps to identify, assess, and treat the risks that may affect the architecture development and implementation2

References: 1: ISO 31000:2018, Risk management — Guidelines, Clause 3.1 2: The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, Part III: ADM Guidelines and Techniques, Chapter 32: Risk Management

Question # 3

Consider the following statement:

According to the TOGAF Standard a governed approach of a particular deliverable will ensure a system of continuous monitoring to check integrity changes decision-making and audit of all architecture-related activities

Which deliverable is being referred to?
A. An Architecture Contract
B. The Architecture Definition Document
C. The Architecture Vision
D. The Statement of Architecture Work

A. An Architecture Contract

An Architecture Contract is a deliverable that specifies the responsibilities and obligations of the parties involved in the implementation and governance of an architecture. It ensures a system of continuous monitoring to check integrity changes decision-making and audit of all architecture-related activities.

Reference: The TOGAF® Standard | The Open Group Website, Section 3.3.4 Architecture Contracts.

Question # 4

Consider the following statements:

1. Each contracted party is required to act responsibly to the organization and its stakeholders.
2. All decisions taken, processes used, and their implementation will not be allowed to create unfair advantage to any one particular party.
3. Digital Transformation and operations will be more effective and efficient.
4. Strategic decision-making by C-Level executives and business leaders will be more effective.

Which statements highlight the value and necessity for Architecture Governance to be adopted within organizations?
A. 1 & 2
B. 2 & 3
C. 3 & 4
D. 1 & 4

A. 1 & 2

Architecture governance is the practice of ensuring compliance with the enterprise architecture and its principles, standards, and goals. Architecture governance provides the means to establish, monitor, and control the architecture development and implementation processes, and to resolve any issues or conflicts that may arise. Architecture governance also ensures that all stakeholders are represented and involved in the decision-making process, and that their interests and concerns are balanced and aligned. Statements 1 and 2 highlight the value and necessity for architecture governance to be adopted within organizations, as they emphasize the importance of responsibility, accountability, fairness, and transparency in the architectural activities. Statements 3 and 4 are more related to the benefits and outcomes of having a good enterprise architecture, rather than the governance aspect.

References: : The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, Part VI: Architecture Capability Framework, Chapter 50: Architecture Governance : The TOGAF Standard, Version 9.2, Part III: ADM Guidelines and Techniques, Chapter 29: Architecture Governance

Question # 5

Consider the following statement.

According to the TOGAF standard, a governed approach of a particular deliverable will ensure adherence to the principles, standards, and requirements of the existing or developing architectures. Which deliverable does this refer to?
A. The Architecture Vision
B. The Statement of Architecture Work
C. An Architecture Contract
D. The Architecture Definition Document

C. An Architecture Contract

According to the TOGAF Standard, 10th Edition, an architecture contract is “a formal agreement between a service provider and a service consumer that defines the mutual commitments and expectations for the delivery of an architecture” 1. An architecture contract is a governed approach of aparticular deliverable that will ensure adherence to the principles, standards, and requirements of the existing or developing architectures, as it specifies the roles, responsibilities, deliverables, quality criteria, and acceptance criteria for the architecture work 1. The other options are not correct, as they are not governed approaches of a particular deliverable, but rather different types of deliverables within the architecture development process. An architecture vision is “a high-level, aspirational view of the target architecture” 1. A statement of architecture work is “a document that defines the scope and approach that will be used to complete an architecture project” 1. An architecture definition document is “a document that describes the baseline and target architectures for one or more domains” 1.

References: 1: TOGAF Standard, 10th Edition, Part I: Introduction, Chapter 3: Definitions.

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