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OmniStudio-Consultant Dumps Questions With Valid Answers

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We are providing all valid and updated Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by Salesforce Consultant OmniStudio-Consultant - Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Consultant Exam certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these Salesforce dumps and pass your Salesforce Certified OmniStudio Consultant Exam (SU24) exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A customer needs to create an OmniScript to capture payment Information. In the first step of the process, it user selects a payment type such as credit card, debit card, or direct bank account payment. Each payment t should display with a different icon. The process should check to see if the customer has any saved payment information of that type, and if there is, no further action is required. If there is no saved payment informatic then the user should be allowed to enter the information, and the process should save It. Which three OmniScript elements should be used to meet these requirements? Choose 3 answers
A. DataRaptor Transform Action
B. Select
C. DataRaptor Extract Action
D. Radio
E. DataRaptor Post Action

B. Select
D. Radio
E. DataRaptor Post Action

The three OmniScript elements that should be used to meet these requirements are: Select, DataRaptor Extract Action, and DataRaptor Post Action. A Select element can display a dropdown list of options for the user to choose from, such as payment type. A DataRaptor Extract Action can retrieve data from a Salesforce object, such as saved payment information, and store it in an Interface object or a JSON object. A DataRaptor Post Action can write data to a Salesforce object, such as new payment information, and perform insert or update operations

Question # 2

Which three functions are performed by Action elements in OmniScript? Choose 3 answers
A. Display error messages to the user
B. Get and update data through APIs
C. Organize data into multiple pages
D. Send DocuSign emails for signature
E. Get and update data in Salesforce

B. Get and update data through APIs
D. Send DocuSign emails for signature
E. Get and update data in Salesforce

Question # 3

A business plans to implement new tools for their call center agents to increase efficiency and improve customer experience. The business needs to reduce new agent ramp-up time. During the discovery phase of the project, the business identifies the following requirements for the project:

• Easy access to frequent processes
• "At a glance" dashboards of customer information
• Lists of customer bills, which are stored on an external system

Which two FlexCard benefits should the consultant highlight when presenting a proposed solution?

Choose 2 answers
A. Guide users through complex processes
B. Display different actions based on context
C. Allow customers to enter bill payment information
D. Display a 360° view of the customer

B. Display different actions based on context
D. Display a 360° view of the customer
Explanation: The two FlexCard benefits that the consultant should highlight when presenting a proposed solution are: Display different actions based on context and Display a 360° view of the customer. FlexCards can display different actions based on context, such as data values or user roles. The consultant can use this feature to show only relevant actions for each customer situation, such as scheduling an inquiry call with an agent if the customer satisfaction is low. FlexCards can also display a 360° view of the customer, by showing data from multiple sources in one card format. The consultant can use this feature to show important customer information at a glance, such as billing issues, account status, etc

Question # 4

When a customer calls to add a new primary contact to their account, call center agents need to complete a I contact form. The agent enters the new contact information using an OmniScript and then needs to generate PDF with the contact information pre-filled that can be shared with the customer.
Which OmniStudio tool should the consultant recommend to generate the pre-filled PDF'
A. OmniStudio Action
B. Integration Procedure
C. DataRaptor
D. Calculation Procedure

C. DataRaptor
Explanation: The OmniStudio tool that the consultant should recommend to generate the pre-filled PDF is DataRaptor. A DataRaptor is a tool that can read, transform, and write data from Salesforce objects or JSON objects. A DataRaptor Load can write data to a PDF template using a PDF mapping file, and generate a PDF document with the contact information pre-filled. The PDF document can be stored as an attachment or a content document in Salesforce

Question # 5

What business problem does DataRaptor solve?
A. lt removes the need to code data mappings for data transformations.
B. It allows developers to create complex API queries declaratively.
C. It combines multiple steps and processes into a single server call.
D. It guides humans through a complex business process.

A. lt removes the need to code data mappings for data transformations.
Explanation: The business problem that DataRaptor solves is that it removes the need to code data mappings for data transformations. DataRaptor allows the designer to declaratively define how data is read, transformed, and written between Salesforce and external systems. It does not allow developers to create complex API queries declaratively, as this is done by Integration Procedures. It does not combine multiple steps and processes into a single server call, as this is done by Calculation Procedures. It does not guide humans through a complex business process, as this is done by OmniScripts.

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