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Salesforce OmniStudio-Consultant Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

What is the purpose of Step elements in an OmniScript?
A. Organizes the script into one or more pages
B. Groups elements that extract data
C. Enables the use of repeatable blocks
D. Allows the user to input data

A. Organizes the script into one or more pages

Question # 2

A business has been experiencing a downturn in customer satisfaction due to billing Issues. The business lear that when customers are allowed to schedule an inquiry call with an agent, customer satisfaction improves.

For this reason, the business decides to create an OmniScript that asks the customer to rate their customer satisfaction using a 1-5 rating scale. If the customer satisfaction is less than 2, it should allow the customer t request a call back on a certain date and then create a case that includes a list of bills from an external system the last 5 months in the case description.

In what order should the consultant design the elements of the OmniScript to meet these requirements?

A. Radio Input, Date Input, HTTP Action, DataRaptor Post Action
B. Date Input, Radio Input, HTTP Action, DataRaptor Post Action
C. HTTP Action, DataRaptor Post Action, Date Input, Radio Input
D. HTTP Action, Radio Input, Date Input, DataRaptor Post Action

A. Radio Input, Date Input, HTTP Action, DataRaptor Post Action

The order that the consultant should design the elements of the OmniScript to meet these requirements is: Radio Input, Date Input, HTTP Action, DataRaptor Post Action. A Radio Input element can display a list of options for the user to choose from, such as customer satisfaction rating. A Radio Input element allows only one option to be selected at a time, and can also have icons for each option. A Date Input element can display a field for the user to enter a date value, such as call back date. A Date Input element can also have validation and formatting options, such as minimum and maximum dates, calendar picker, etc. An HTTP Action element can invoke a REST or SOAP service to retrieve data from an external system, such as a list of bills from the last 5 months. An HTTP Action element can store the response data in a JSON object for further processing. A DataRaptor Post Action element can write data to a Salesforce object or invoke a Salesforce API, such as creating a case with the list of bills in the case description

Question # 3

A company needs to generate invoices when contracts reach an approved status. Users should initiate the invoice generation process from the contract page, but the option should not appear until the contract reaches the approved status. After the invoice is generated, it should be sent to the customer for signature.
What three tools should be used in the solution the consultant recommends to meet these requirements?
Choose 3 answers
A. OmniScript
B. Interaction Launcher
C. FlexCards
D. OmniStudio Action
E. DataRaptor

A. OmniScript
D. OmniStudio Action
E. DataRaptor
Explanation: The three tools that should be used in the solution are OmniScript, OmniStudio Action, and DataRaptor. OmniScript can be used to create a user interface for generating invoices from contracts. OmniStudio Action can be used to conditionally display the invoice generation option on the contract page based on the contract status.
DataRaptor can be used to read, transform, and write data between Salesforce and external systems. Interaction Launcher is not needed for this scenario, as it is used to launch interactions from other applications. FlexCards are not relevant for this scenario, as they are used to display contextual data on record pages.

Question # 4

Which three of the following are functions of a Text Block element in OmniScript? Choose 3 answers
A. Error conditions
B. User input fields
C. Links or images
D. Text formatting
E. Table formatting

C. Links or images
D. Text formatting
E. Table formatting

A Text Block element in OmniScript can perform three functions: display links or images, apply text formatting, and format tables. A Text Block element can use HTML tags to create hyperlinks or embed images in the OmniScript. It can also use CSS properties to style the text, such as font size, color, alignment, etc. Additionally, a Text Block element can use HTML table tags to create and format tables in the OmniScript

Question # 5

A company is creating a FlexCard for agents to respond to account inquiries. The company has decided to lim actions on the card to the three most frequent and important actions users typically take. Based on the user analysis exhibit shown below, which three actions should appear on the card? Choose 3 answers
A. Verify a transaction
B. Request higher limit
C. View credit score history
D. View statements
E. Make a payment

A. Verify a transaction
B. Request higher limit
E. Make a payment

Based on the user analysis exhibit, the three actions that should appear on the card are: verify a transaction, request higher limit, and make a payment. These actions have the highest frequency and importance scores among the six actions listed. The other actions, such as view credit score history, view statements, and view rewards, have lower frequency and importance scores, and can be accessed through other means

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