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Salesforce Order-Management-Administrator Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which three options are the main types of building blocks when working in Flow Builder?
A. Connectors
B. Elements
C. Asyncprocesses
D. Data lookups
E. Resources

A. Connectors
B. Elements
E. Resources
Explanation: The main types of building blocks when working in Flow Builder are:
Elements: These are the components that define the logic and functionality of a flow. Elements include actions, assignments, decisions, loops, screens, subflows, and waits.
Resources: These are the variables, constants, formulas, collections, and record choice sets that store data in a flow. Resources can be used as inputs or outputs for elements.
Connectors: These are the arrows that connect elements and resources in a flow. Connectors determine the sequence and direction of the flow execution.
References: [Flow Building Blocks]

Question # 2

For what use case would an administrator enable Person Accounts during Order Management setup?
A. Person Accounts are always enabled for Order Management
B. Connecting Order Management to B2C Commerce
C. Connecting to an external ERP system
D. Connecting Order Management to B2B Commerce

B. Connecting Order Management to B2C Commerce
Explanation: An administrator would enable Person Accounts during Order Management setup for the use case of connecting Order Management to B2C Commerce. B2C Commerce is a cloud-based platform that enables businesses to create and manage online storefronts for consumers. B2CCommerce uses Person Accounts to represent individual shoppers who place orders on the storefronts. Person Accounts are a type of account that combines account and contact information into a single record. To connect Order Management to B2C Commerce, an administrator needs to enable Person Accounts in Order Management and install the B2C Commerce Integration package from AppExchange.

Question # 3

An administrator is encountering errors when reusing a composite API call to load test orders via the Workbench. What are three possible causes of this issue?
A. The administrator has duplicate Product SKUs in the JSON query
B. The number of subrequests in the JSON query exceeds the 20 subrequest limit
C. The Administrator has logged into the wrong environment in Workbench
D. The administrator is creating multiple objects in a single JSON query
E. Record IDs used within the request are incorrect

A. The administrator has duplicate Product SKUs in the JSON query
B. The number of subrequests in the JSON query exceeds the 20 subrequest limit
E. Record IDs used within the request are incorrect

Three possible causes of this issue are:

The administrator has duplicate Product SKUs in the JSON query. A Product SKU is a unique identifier for a product that is used to track inventory and sales. A Product SKU must be unique within an org, and it cannot be duplicated in a composite API call. If the administrator has duplicate Product SKUs in the JSON query, it will cause an error when loading test orders via the Workbench.

The number of subrequests in the JSON query exceeds the 20 subrequest limit. A subrequest is a single HTTP request that is part of a composite API call. A composite API call can contain up to 20 subrequests in a single JSON body. If the administrator has more than 20 subrequests in the JSON query, it will cause an error when loading test orders via the Workbench.

Record IDs used within the request are incorrect. A record ID is a unique identifier for a record that is used to reference and manipulate data in Salesforce. A record ID must be valid and exist in the org, and it must match the data type and format of the corresponding field. If the administrator has incorrect record IDs in the JSON query, such as using 15-character IDs instead of 18-character IDs, or using IDs from a different org, it will cause an error when loading test orders via the Workbench.

Verified References: https://developer.salesforce.com/docs/atlas.en-us.api_rest.meta/api_rest/resources_composite_composite.htm

Question # 4

What two tools can an administrator use to debug an issue with an Apex trigger?
A. Apex Logs in Setup
B. Error Logs in the Developer Console
C. Log Inspector in the Developer Console
D. Debug Logs in Setup

C. Log Inspector in the Developer Console
D. Debug Logs in Setup
Explanation: Theadministrator can use two tools to debug an issue with an Apex trigger: Log Inspector in the Developer Console and Debug Logs in Setup. The Log Inspector is a tool that displays a graphical representation of a debug log, which is a record of database operations, system processes, and errors that occur when executing a transaction or running unit tests. The Log Inspector helps you analyze and troubleshoot your code by highlighting errors, checkpoints, and execution times. The Debug Logs page in Setup lets you monitor and retain debug logs for users, Apex classes, Apex triggers, and Lightning components. You can view, download, or delete debug logs from this page.

Question # 5

An administrator is attempting to deploy aChange Set from a development org to a test org but the test org is not available in the list of target organizations. What are two reasons that could cause this issue?
A. The components in the Change set could not be found within the test org
B. ChangeSets can only be deployed from a sandbox org to a production org, not another sandbox org.
C. The development org has not been approved to upload Change Sets from within the test org
D. The development org and test org are not associated with the same production org.

C. The development org has not been approved to upload Change Sets from within the test org
D. The development org and test org are not associated with the same production org.

Two reasons that could cause the issue of not being able to deploy a Change Set from a development org to a test org are:

The development org has not been approved to upload Change Sets from within the test org. To deploy ChangeSets between two sandbox orgs, the administrator needs to establish a deployment connection between them. A deployment connection allows one org to send outbound Change Sets and another org to receive inbound Change Sets. The administrator can create a deployment connection request from the development org and approve it from the test org.

The development org and test org are not associated with the same production org. To deploy Change Sets between two sandbox orgs, they must be linked to the same production org. A production org is an org that contains live data and business processes. A sandbox org is a copy of a production org that is used for development, testing, or training purposes. Sandbox orgs inherit the deployment connections of their source production orgs. References: Deploy Using Change Sets, Deploy a Change Set

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