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Order-Management-Administrator Dumps Questions With Valid Answers

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  • Last Updation Date: 28-Mar-2025
  • Certification: Salesforce Order Management
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Salesforce Order-Management-Administrator Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

When can an Invoice be created?
A. At any point before the Fulfillment Order is created, by customizing flow "Create Invoice and Ensure Funds"
B. At any point before the Fulfillment Order is created, by customizing flow "Create invoice"
C. At any point after the Fulfillment Order is created, by customizing flow 'Create Invoice and Ensure Funds*
D. At any point after the Fulfillment Order is created, by customizing flow "Create Invoice'

D. At any point after the Fulfillment Order is created, by customizing flow "Create Invoice'
Explanation: The correct time and way for creating an Invoice is at any point after the Fulfillment Order is created, by customizing flow “Create Invoice”. This flow is a core action that creates an Invoice record from a Fulfillment Order record, and updates the status of both records accordingly. The administrator can customize this flow to suit their business needs, such as adding conditions, actions, or subflows.

Question # 2

How can an administrator quickly examine the relationships between several objects?
A. Goto SchemaBuilder and check the boxes next to the objectnames
B. File a support case asking for a data relationship diagram
C. Generate an Entity Relationship Diagram by going to Data in Setup
D. Download it from the Partner Community

A. Goto SchemaBuilder and check the boxes next to the objectnames

The best way for an administrator to quickly examine the relationships between several objects is to go to Schema Builder and check the boxes next to the object names. Schema Builder is a tool that allows administrators to view and modify the data model of their org in a graphical interface. Schema Builder shows the objects and fields in the org, as well as the relationships between them. The administrator can use Schema Builder to select the objects that they want to examine, and see how they are connected to each other. Verified References:https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.schema_builder.htm &type=5

Question # 3

An administrator needs to import Order Summary records containing historical data but does not want them to be actioned on by Order Management. Which feature supports this use case?
A. Custom checkbox
B. Unmanaged Order Checkbox
C. Order Life Cycle Type Picklist
D. Order Management Type Picklist

B. Unmanaged Order Checkbox
Explanation: The feature that supports this use case is the Unmanaged Order Checkbox. This is a standard field on the Order Summary object that indicates whether the order is managed by Order Management or not. If this fieldis checked, then the order is not actioned on by Order Management, and it does not trigger any flows or processes. The administrator can use this field to import Order Summary records containing historical data without affecting the order lifecycle.

Question # 4

How can a user view the information exchanged betweenthe payment platform and the external payment gateways?
A. Navigate to Payments within the setup menu and select the payment platform
B. Check associated debug logs in Debug Logs in setup
C. Check for process exceptions associated with the Order Payment Summary
D. Navigate to Payment Gateway Logs related list on the corresponding Order Payment Summary

D. Navigate to Payment Gateway Logs related list on the corresponding Order Payment Summary

The best way for a user to view the information exchanged between the payment platform and the external payment gateways is to navigate to Payment Gateway Logs related list on the corresponding Order Payment Summary. A Payment Gateway Log is a record that captures the request and response messages between the payment platform and the external payment gateways, such as Stripe, PayPal, etc. A PaymentGateway Log has a lookup relationship to the Order Payment Summary object, which represents a payment made for an order or part of an order. A user can use the Payment Gateway Logs related list on the Order Payment Summary page to view the details of thepayment transactions, such as the request and response payloads, status codes, timestamps, etc.

Verified References: https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.order_management_payment_gateway_log.htm &type=5https://help.salesforce.com/s/articleView?id=sf.order_management_order_payment_summary.htm &type=5

Question # 5

A developer needs to create a scheduled job in an external system to move Order data into a Salesforce org every 24 hours. In which two ways can this off-platform job be established without additional third-party tools?
A. Install a minimal set of dev tools on a machine such as the Command Line Interface (CLI) and create appropriate scripts to import files containing the data
B. Set up an SFTP server as a waystation. drop the files thereusing the off-platform job and schedule a job in-platform to process the file
C. Create a job in the org (on-platform) to drop a file of existing data. Use the off-platform machine to generate a file and identify the details between the two. Push the changes to the org's "Import" directory
D. Authorize a machine against the Salesforce org's APIs with appropriate security measures and create a script to call the APIs

A. Install a minimal set of dev tools on a machine such as the Command Line Interface (CLI) and create appropriate scripts to import files containing the data
D. Authorize a machine against the Salesforce org's APIs with appropriate security measures and create a script to call the APIs

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