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PCNSE Dumps Questions With Valid Answers

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  • Total Questions: 294
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025
  • Certification: Palo Alto Certifications and Accreditations
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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Palo Alto Networks PCNSE Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

An administrator needs to assign a specific DNS server to an existing template variable. Where would the administrator go to edit a template variable at the device level?
A. "Managed Devices > Device Association"
B. PDF Export under "Panorama > Templates"
C. Variable CSV export under "Panorama > Templates"
D. Manage variables under "Panorama > Templates"

D. Manage variables under "Panorama > Templates"

Question # 2

An administrator configures a site-to-site IPsec VPN tunnel between a PA-850 and an external customer on their policy-based VPN devices. What should an administrator configure to route interesting traffic through the VPN tunnel?
A. Proxy IDs
B. GRE Encapsulation
C. Tunnel Monitor
D. ToS Header

A. Proxy IDs

Question # 3

An administrator wants to configure the Palo Alto Networks Windows User-D agent to map IP addresses to u: ‘The company uses four Microsoft Active ‘servers and two Microsoft Exchange servers, which can provide logs for login events. All six servers have IP addresses assigned from the following subnet: The Microsoft Active Directory in, and the Microsoft Exchange reside in 192,168.28 48/28. What the 0 the User
A. network with server type Microsoft Active Directory and network Exchange
B. network 192.188 28 32/27 with server type Microsoft
C. one IP address of a Microsoft Active Directory server and “Auto Discover” enabled to automatically obtain all five of the other servers
D. the IP-address and corresponding server type (Microsoft Active Directory or Microsoft Exchange) for each of the six servers

D. the IP-address and corresponding server type (Microsoft Active Directory or Microsoft Exchange) for each of the six servers

Question # 4

A company has configured GlobalProtect to allow their users to work from home. A decrease in performance for remote workers has been reported during peak-use hours. Which two steps are likely to mitigate the issue? (Choose TWO)
A. Exclude video traffic
B. Enable decryption
C. Block traffic that is not work-related
D. Create a Tunnel Inspection policy

A. Exclude video traffic
C. Block traffic that is not work-related

Question # 5

Why would a traffic log list an application as "not-applicable”?
A. The firewall denied the traffic before the application match could be performed.
B. The TCP connection terminated without identifying any application data
C. There was not enough application data after the TCP connection was established
D. The application is not a known Palo Alto Networks App-ID.

A. The firewall denied the traffic before the application match could be performed.
Explanation: traffic log would list an application as “not-applicable” if the firewall denied the traffic before the application match could be performed. This can happen if the traffic matches a security rule that is set to deny based on any parameter other than the application, such as source, destination, port, service, etc1. In this case, the firewall does not inspect the application data and discards the traffic, resulting in a “not-applicable” entry in the application field of the traffic log1.

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