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Pegasystems PEGACPSA23V1 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Several Development teams work on different enhancements. The release date for each enhancement is uncertain. Which two options allow each team to keep its work separate? (Choose Two)
A. Create a new ruleset version for each team.
B. Set up a branch ruleset for each team
C. Create a new application for each team
D. Create a production ruleset for each team.

A. Create a new ruleset version for each team.
B. Set up a branch ruleset for each team
Explanation: When development teams are working on separate enhancements with uncertain release dates, it is practical to: A. Create a new ruleset version for each team, allowing them to manage their versions independently, ensuring that their changes are isolated and do not impact other teams. B. Set up a branch ruleset for each team, which is ideal for supporting parallel development efforts. Branch rulesets enable teams to work in isolation, merging their work back into the main application ruleset once their individual enhancements are complete and ready for integration.

Question # 2

You are asked to create a visualization that allows managers in the Customer Service division to track the number and status of Customer Support Request cases submitted over the last 30 days. What is the process that you follow to create this visualization?
A. Create a new report on the Data landing page.
B. Add a report widget to a portal on the Explore data landing page.
C. Add a new portal on the Channels landing page.
D. Create a new Insight on the Explore data landing page.

D. Create a new Insight on the Explore data landing page.


To create a visualization for managers to track the number and status of Customer Support Request cases:

D. Create a new Insight on the Explore data landing page. Insights in Pega allow you to create visual representations of data, which can include reports and dashboards. Managers can use these insights to track case metrics over specified time frames, such as the last 30 days.

Question # 3

Creating a new rule in Pega Platform is typically done to define a new behavior or functionality in the application, which can then be reused as needed. In the given scenario, a designer is reusing a UI section every time the same behavior is needed in the application. By creating a new rule for the UI section, the designer can ensure consistent behavior and avoid duplicating effort. For which use case do you create a new rule in a Pega Platform™ application?
A. A developer creates a parallel process to audit changes that a service agent makes.
B. A developer makes changes to an email message configured in the case life cycle.
C. A designer reuses a UI section every time the same behavior is needed in the application.
D. A business user issues a change request for the application to set the default value of a field.

C. A designer reuses a UI section every time the same behavior is needed in the application.
Explanation: In Pega Platform, creating a new rule is an effective way to define and encapsulate specific behaviors or functionalities that can be reused across the application, enhancing maintainability and consistency. When a designer reuses a UI section frequently across different parts of the application, creating a rule for this UI section ensures that it maintains uniform behavior wherever it is used. This approach prevents duplication of design efforts and ensures that any updates to the UI section are centrally managed and uniformly propagated throughout the application.

Question # 4

Users can access an apartment hunting application from different devices with different screen sizes. A screen displays the photos of available properties. By default, the photos are displayed in three columns. When the screen width is less than 800 pixels, the photos should be displayed in two columns. How do you implement the screen for this requirement?
A. Use a dynamic layout with a responsive breakpoint at 800 pixels to change from inline-grid tripleto inline-grid double format.
B. Use a column layout with a responsive breakpoint at 800 pixels to hide the left column.
C. Circumstance the layout to display different number of columns at different screen sizes.
D. Circumstance the section rule to display different number of columns at different screen sizes.

A. Use a dynamic layout with a responsive breakpoint at 800 pixels to change from inline-grid tripleto inline-grid double format.

To adapt the display of property photos to different screen sizes within an apartment hunting application, the best approach is: A. Use a dynamic layout with a responsive breakpoint at 800 pixels to change from inline-grid triple to inline-grid double format. This option uses responsive design principles to adjust the number of columns based on screen size. When the screen width is below 800 pixels, the layout automatically changes from three columns (triple) to two columns (double), ensuring optimal display on smaller devices.

Question # 5

Which two statements about data objects are true? (Choose Two)
A. Data objects can reuse assets from an existing data object through inheritance.
B. A draft data object references a data type.
C. A data object created in App Studio creates a data type in Dev Studio.
D. Data objects are sourced from an external system of record.

A. Data objects can reuse assets from an existing data object through inheritance.

C. A data object created in App Studio creates a data type in Dev Studio.


Understanding data objects in Pega helps clarify their roles and functions within the platform: A. Data objects can reuse assets from an existing data object through inheritance. Inheritance allows data objects to extend the properties and behaviors of existing data objects, promoting reusability and consistency across the application.

C. A data object created in App Studio creates a data type in Dev Studio. This statement is true as creating a data object in App Studio automatically sets up a corresponding data type in Dev Studio, ensuring that the data structure is available across both development environments for further customization and integration.

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