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CompTIA PK0-005 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A project team is defining operational training, discussing a go-live date, and describing the operational handoff. Which of the following best describes what the team is developing?
A. The project closeout report
B. A handover to operations
C. Phase-gate review documentation
D. A transition plan

D. A transition plan
Explanation: A transition plan is a document that outlines how the project deliverables will be transferred to the operations team or the end users, and how the project team will disengage from the project. It typically includes details such as operational training, go-live date, support arrangements, roles and responsibilities, and acceptance criteria. A transition plan is different from a project closeout report, which summarizes the project performance, lessons learned, and final status. A handover to operations is a process of transferring the project deliverables to the operations team, but it is not a document. A phase-gate review documentation is a set of documents that are used to evaluate the project progress and readiness to move to the next phase, but it is not related to the operational handoff. References = CompTIA Project+ PK0-005 Certification Study Guide, Chapter 14: Closing the Project, p. 409-410; [CompTIA Project+ Certification Exam Objectives], Domain 4: Project Closure, Objective 4.1: Compare and contrast various project closure activities.

Question # 2

After a release, the project sponsor received an escalation from an executive about the extension of the downtime after the scheduled window. Which of the following should be added to the issue log?
A. Continuous integration
B. Rollback plan
C. Customer notification
D. Automated testing

C. Customer notification

Question # 3

A project manager has been very diligent in maintaining the version control for the documentation of requirements. Which of the following tools is the project manager using?
A. Multiauthoring software
B. Word processor
C. Real-time polling
D. Conferencing platforms

A. Multiauthoring software
Explanation: The project manager is using multiauthoring software to maintain the version control for the documentation of requirements. Multiauthoring software is a type of software that allows multiple users to create, edit, and collaborate on documents simultaneously. It also provides features such as tracking changes, commenting, reviewing, and merging versions. Multiauthoring software can help to improve the quality, accuracy, and consistency of documents and facilitate communication and feedback among stakeholders. Examples of multiauthoring software include Google Docs, Microsoft Word Online, and Confluence34

Question # 4

A program manager is reviewing the project portfolio and prioritizing each project based on the company's strategic plan. Which of the following should be considered in this evaluation? (Select TWO).
A. Company vision
B. Global environment
C. Brand value
D. Mission statement
E. Portfolio budget

A. Company vision
D. Mission statement

Question # 5

After months of recruiting, a team finally found the right candidate for a very specific coding language assignment. Due to this delay, the team has a tight timeline without any float. A day before the candidate is scheduled to join the team, the project manager realizes the candidate has a non-compete agreement from the previous employer. Which of the following should the project manager do?
A. Withdraw the offer to the candidate and raise this as a risk.
B. Ignore a potential lawsuit since this is a critical project.
C. Use a third-party company for the contract to legally avoid responsibility.
D. Have a meeting with the project sponsor to discuss the situation.

D. Have a meeting with the project sponsor to discuss the situation.
Explanation: The project manager should inform the project sponsor about the issue and seek their guidance and support. The project sponsor is the person who provides the resources and authority for the project, and who can help resolve any conflicts or problems that may arise. The project manager should not withdraw the offer, ignore the lawsuit, or use a third-party company without consulting the project sponsor first, as these actions may have legal, ethical, or financial implications for the project and the organization.

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