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  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025
  • Certification: Cloud Developer
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Google Professional-Cloud-Developer Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

You are a developer working on an internal application for payroll processing. You are building a component of the application that allows an employee to submit a timesheet, which then initiates several steps:
  • An email is sent to the employee and manager, notifying them that the timesheet was submitted.
  • A timesheet is sent to payroll processing for the vendor's API.
  • A timesheet is sent to the data warehouse for headcount planning.
These steps are not dependent on each other and can be completed in any order. New steps are being considered and will be implemented by different development teams. Each development team will implement the error handling specific to their step. What should you do?
A. Deploy a Cloud Function for each step that calls the corresponding downstream system to complete the required action.
B. Create a Pub/Sub topic for each step. Create a subscription for each downstream development team to subscribe to their step's topic.
C. Create a Pub/Sub topic for timesheet submissions. Create a subscription for each downstream development team to subscribe to the topic.
D. Create a timesheet microservice deployed to Google Kubernetes Engine. The microservice calls each downstream step and waits for a successful response before calling the next step.

C. Create a Pub/Sub topic for timesheet submissions. Create a subscription for each downstream development team to subscribe to the topic.

Question # 2

You are designing a schema for a Cloud Spanner customer database. You want to store a phone number array field in a customer table. You also want to allow users to search customers by phone number. How should you design this schema?
A. Create a table named Customers. Add an Array field in a table that will hold phone numbers for the customer.
B. Create a table named Customers. Create a table named Phones. Add a CustomerId field in the Phones table to find the CustomerId from a phone number.
C. Create a table named Customers. Add an Array field in a table that will hold phone numbers for the customer. Create a secondary index on the Array field.
D. Create a table named Customers as a parent table. Create a table named Phones, and interleave this table into the Customer table. Create an index on the phone number field in the Phones table.

C. Create a table named Customers. Add an Array field in a table that will hold phone numbers for the customer. Create a secondary index on the Array field.

Question # 3

HipLocal’s data science team wants to analyze user reviews.
How should they prepare the data?
A. Use the Cloud Data Loss Prevention API for redaction of the review dataset.
B. Use the Cloud Data Loss Prevention API for de-identification of the review dataset.
C. Use the Cloud Natural Language Processing API for redaction of the review dataset.
D. Use the Cloud Natural Language Processing API for de-identification of the review dataset.

B. Use the Cloud Data Loss Prevention API for de-identification of the review dataset.

Question # 4

Your development team has been tasked with maintaining a .NET legacy application. The application incurs occasional changes and was recently updated. Your goal is to ensure that the application provides consistent results while moving through the CI/CD pipeline from environment to environment. You want to minimize the cost of deployment while making sure that external factors and dependencies between hosting environments are not problematic. Containers are not yet approved in your organization. What should you do?
A. Rewrite the application using .NET Core, and deploy to Cloud Run. Use revisions to separate the environments.
B. Use Cloud Build to deploy the application as a new Compute Engine image for each build. Use this image in each environment.
C. Deploy the application using MS Web Deploy, and make sure to always use the latest, patched MS Windows Server base image in Compute Engine
D. Use Cloud Build to package the application, and deploy to a Google Kubernetes Engine cluster. Use namespaces to separate the environments

B. Use Cloud Build to deploy the application as a new Compute Engine image for each build. Use this image in each environment.

Question # 5

Your team is writing a backend application to implement the business logic for an interactive voice response (IVR) system that will support a payroll application. The IVR system has the following technical characteristics:
  • Each customer phone call is associated with a unique IVR session.
  • The IVR system creates a separate persistent gRPC connection to the backend for each session.
  • If the connection is interrupted, the IVR system establishes a new connection, causing a slight latency for that call.
You need to determine which compute environment should be used to deploy the backend application. Using current call data, you determine that:
  • Call duration ranges from 1 to 30 minutes.
  • Calls are typically made during business hours.
  • There are significant spikes of calls around certain known dates (e.g., pay days), or when large payroll changes occur.
You want to minimize cost, effort, and operational overhead. Where should you deploy the backend application?
A. Compute Engine
B. Google Kubernetes Engine cluster in Standard mode
C. Cloud Functions
D. Cloud Run

D. Cloud Run
This page shows Cloud Run-specific details for developers who want to use gRPC to connect a Cloud Run service with other services, for example, to provide simple, high performance communication between internal microservices. You can use all gRPC types, streaming or unary, with Cloud Run.
Possible use cases include:
Communication between internal microservices.
High loads of data (gRPC uses protocol buffers, which are up to seven times faster than REST calls).
Only a simple service definition is needed, you don't want to write a full client library.
Use streaming gRPCs in your gRPC server to build more responsive applications and APIs.

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