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We are providing all valid and updated Scrum SAFe-POPM dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by POPM certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these Scrum dumps and pass your Dell Midrange Storage Solutions Design 2023 exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

Scrum SAFe-POPM Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

What is one step when determining initial team capacity during PI Planning?
A. Add together all of the points from recently completed Features
B. Compare final team capacity across all teams
C. Ensure Product Owner/Product Manager approval for all time-based capacity adjustments
D. Subtract one point for every team member's vacation day, public holiday, or training day

D. Subtract one point for every team member's vacation day, public holiday, or training day

One step when determining initial team capacity during PI Planning is to subtract one point for every team member’s vacation day, public holiday, or training day. This step helps the team to adjust their capacity based on the actual availability of each team member for the upcoming Program Increment (PI)1. By accounting for the time-based capacity adjustments, the team can plan their work more realistically and avoid overcommitting or underdelivering2. References:

•PI Planning - Scaled Agile Framework
•How to Improve Your Agile Team’s Capacity Planning - Method

Question # 2

What is one strategy for managing complex critical path challenges?
A. Adjust work between teams or split Features and Stories
B. Distribute work to other teams
C. Sequence work to eliminate same Iteration dependencies
D. Allocate work between teams based on forecasted capacity

A. Adjust work between teams or split Features and Stories

One strategy for managing complex critical path challenges is to adjust work between teams or split Features and Stories. Complex critical path challenges are situations where the delivery of value depends on the completion of multiple interdependent tasks by different teams1. These challenges can cause delays, bottlenecks, and inefficiencies in the value stream. To overcome these challenges, one option is to adjust work between teams or split Features and Stories, so that the dependencies are minimized or eliminated2. This can help improve the flow of work, reduce the risk of integration issues, and increase the flexibility and responsiveness of the teams3.


•Accelerating Flow with SAFe - Scaled Agile Framework

•Managing Dependencies - Scaled Agile Framework

Question # 3

What is one tool that visualizes Features representing a workflow?
A. Team Kanban
B. Story Maps
C. User Experience Design
D. Continuous Delivery Pipeline

B. Story Maps

A story map is a tool that visualizes features representing a workflow. A story map is a two-dimensional arrangement of user stories that shows the relationship between the user activities and the features that support them1. A story map helps the team to understand the user journey, prioritize the features based on value and dependencies, and plan the releases and iterations2.


•Story Mapping - Scaled Agile Framework

•What is User Story Mapping? | Definition and Overview

Question # 4

What is one characteristic of writing effective PI Objectives?
A. Listing out committed Features
B. Describing the value
C. Identifying significant risks
D. Including critical Stories

B. Describing the value

One characteristic of writing effective PI Objectives is describing the value that the objectives will deliver to the customers and stakeholders. PI Objectives are a summary of the business and technical goals that the Agile Release Train (ART) intends to achieve in the upcoming Program Increment (PI)1. They are not just a list of features or stories, but rather a statement of the outcomes and benefits that the features or stories will provide2. By describing the value, the PI Objectives help align the teams and stakeholders to a shared vision and mission, and provide a basis for measuring the progress and performance of the ART3.


•PI Objectives - Scaled Agile Framework

•Your Guide to Writing Great Iteration and PI Objectives - Scaled Agile

•How to Write PI Objectives - ValueGlide

Question # 5

What is one responsibility of the Product Owner during Team Sync?
A. To add new work into the Iteration
B. To clarify Story intent
C. To facilitate the event
D. To relay Customer feedback

B. To clarify Story intent

One responsibility of the Product Owner during Team Sync is to clarify the intent behind each user story or backlog item. This includes providing additional context, details, and answering any queries raised by the development team1. The Team Sync is a daily event where the members of the Agile team synchronize their work and plan for the next 24 hours2. The Product Owner participates in the Team Sync to ensure that the team is working on the right things and that the stories are aligned with the customer and stakeholder needs3.


•What is one responsibility of the Product Owner during Team sync …
•Team Sync - Scaled Agile Framework
•What’s a Product Owner to Do – PO role within SAFe

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