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Splunk SPLK-2001 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which of the following are security best practices for Splunk app development? (Select all that apply.)
A. Store passwords in clear text in .conf files.
B. Implement security in software development lifecycle.
C. Manually test application with the controls listed in the OWASP Security Testing Guide.
D. Use a dynamic scanner such as OWASP ZAP to scan web application components for vulnerabilities.

B. Implement security in software development lifecycle.
C. Manually test application with the controls listed in the OWASP Security Testing Guide.
D. Use a dynamic scanner such as OWASP ZAP to scan web application components for vulnerabilities.
Explanation: The correct answer is B, C, and D, because they are all security best practices for Splunk app development. Storing passwords in clear text in .conf files is not a security best practice, because it exposes the passwords to unauthorized access or leakage. Implementing security in software development lifecycle means applying security principles and practices throughout the app development process, from design to deployment. Manually testing application with the controls listed in the OWASP Security Testing Guide helps to identify and mitigate common security risks and vulnerabilities in web applications. Using a dynamic scanner such as OWASP ZAP to scan web application components for vulnerabilities helps to automate the security testing and find potential issues that might be missed by manual testing.

Question # 2

In order to successfully accelerate a report, which criteria must the search meet? (Select all that apply.)
A. Cannot use event sampling.
B. Use a transforming command.
C. Use a standard Splunk visualization.
D. Commands before the first transforming command must be streamable.

A. Cannot use event sampling.
B. Use a transforming command.
D. Commands before the first transforming command must be streamable.
Explanation: The correct answer is A, B, and D because these are the criteria that the search must meet in order to successfully accelerate a report. A report is a saved search that runs on a schedule and returns results in a table or a chart. A report can be accelerated to improve its performance and reduce the load on the Splunk indexers. Option A is correct because the search cannot use event sampling, which is a technique that reduces the number of events returned by the search. Event sampling can affect the accuracy and consistency of the report results. Option B is correct because the search must use a transforming command, which is a command that converts the results into a data table with rows and columns. Transforming commands are required for report acceleration, as they enable the creation of summary data. Option D is correct because the commands before the first transforming command must be streamable, which means they can process each event as it is returned by the search. Streamable commands are preferred for report acceleration, as they reduce the memory usage and improve the performance of the search. Option C is incorrect because the search does not need to use a standard Splunk visualization, which is a type of chart or graph that displays the results. The search can use any visualization that is compatible with the report acceleration. You can find more information about report acceleration and the criteria for the search in the Splunk Developer Guide.

Question # 3

Which of the following are valid request arguments for the REST search endpoints? (Select all that apply.)
A. latest_time=rt
B. latest_time=now
C. earliest_time=-5h@h
D. earliest_time=rt_10m@m

B. latest_time=now
C. earliest_time=-5h@h
Explanation: The valid request arguments for the REST search endpoints are latest_time=now and earliest_time=-5h@h. These arguments specify the time range for the search, using relative or absolute time modifiers. The other arguments are invalid because they use rt (real-time) modifiers, which are not supported by the REST search endpoints.

Question # 4

Assuming permissions are set appropriately, which REST endpoint path can be used by someone with a power user role to access information about mySearch, a saved search owned by someone with a user role?
A. /servicesNS/-/data/saved/searches/mySearch
B. /servicesNS/object/saved/searches/mySearch
C. /servicesNS/search/saved/searches/mySearch
D. /servicesNS/-/search/saved/searches/mySearch

A. /servicesNS/-/data/saved/searches/mySearch
Explanation: The correct answer is A because the /servicesNS/-/data/saved/searches/mySearch endpoint path can be used by someone with a power user role to access information about mySearch, a saved search owned by someone with a user role. The /servicesNS/- /data/saved/searches endpoint returns information about saved searches in a specific namespace. The - symbol in the URI means that the user and app context are inherited from the current session. Therefore, a power user can access the saved search information by using the - symbol, assuming the permissions are set appropriately. The other options are incorrect because they either use invalid endpoints or do not specify the user and app context correctly. You can find more information about the /servicesNS endpoint and the namespace in the Splunk REST API Reference Manual.

Question # 5

Which HTTP Event Collector (HEC) endpoint should be used to collect data in the following format?
{“message”:“Hello World”, “foo”:“bar”, “pony”:“buttercup”}
A. data/inputs/http/{name}
B. services/collector/raw
C. services/collector
D. data/inputs/http

B. services/collector/raw
Explanation: The HTTP Event Collector (HEC) endpoint that should be used to collect data in the given format is services/collector/raw. This endpoint accepts raw data that is not formatted as JSON, such as plain text or XML. The data format is specified by the sourcetype parameter in the request. The other endpoints are either used for different purposes or do not exist. For more information, see Use the raw HEC endpoint.

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