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SPLK-2002 Dumps Questions With Valid Answers

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  • Total Questions: 160
  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025
  • Certification: Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect Exam Dumps


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We are providing all valid and updated Splunk SPLK-2002 dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these Splunk dumps and pass your Splunk Enterprise Certified Architect exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

Splunk SPLK-2002 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which of the following options can improve reliability of syslog delivery to Splunk? (Select all that apply.)


Use TCP syslog.


Configure UDP inputs on each Splunk indexer to receive data directly.


Use a network load balancer to direct syslog traffic to active backend syslog listeners.


Use one or more syslog servers to persist data with a Universal Forwarder to send the data to Splunk


Use a network load balancer to direct syslog traffic to active backend syslog listeners.


Use one or more syslog servers to persist data with a Universal Forwarder to send the data to Splunk

Question # 2

Stakeholders have identified high availability for searchable data as their top priority. Which of the following best addresses this requirement?


Increasing the search factor in the cluster.


Increasing the replication factor in the cluster.


Increasing the number of search heads in the cluster.


Increasing the number of CPUs on the indexers in the cluster.


Increasing the replication factor in the cluster.

Question # 3

When should a dedicated deployment server be used?
A. When there are more than 50 search peers.
B. When there are more than 50 apps to deploy to deployment clients.
C. When there are more than 50 deployment clients.
D. When there are more than 50 server classes.

C. When there are more than 50 deployment clients.
Explanation: A dedicated deployment server is a Splunk instance that manages the distribution of configuration updates and apps to a set of deployment clients, such as forwarders, indexers, or search heads. A dedicated deployment server should be used when there are more than 50 deployment clients, because this number exceeds the recommended limit for a non-dedicated deployment server. A non-dedicated deployment server is a Splunk instance that also performs other roles, such as indexing or searching. Using a dedicated deployment server can improve the performance, scalability, and reliability of the deployment process. Option C is the correct answer. Option A is incorrect because the number of search peers does not affect the need for a dedicated deployment server. Search peers are indexers that participate in a distributed search. Option B is incorrect because the number of apps to deploy does not affect the need for a dedicated deployment server. Apps are packages of configurations and assets that provide specific functionality or views in Splunk. Option D is incorrect because the number of server classes does not affect the need for a dedicated deployment server. Server classes are logical groups of deployment clients that share the same configuration updates and apps.

Question # 4

On search head cluster members, where in $splunk_home does the Splunk Deployer deploy app content by default?
A. etc/apps/
B. etc/slave-apps/
C. etc/shcluster/
D. etc/deploy-apps/

B. etc/slave-apps/
According to the Splunk documentation1, the Splunk Deployer deploys app content to the etc/slave-apps/ directory on the search head cluster members by default. This directory contains the apps that the deployer distributes to the members as part of the configuration bundle. The other options are false because:
  1. The etc/apps/ directory contains the apps that are installed locally on each member, not the apps that are distributed by the deployer2.
  2. The etc/shcluster/ directory contains the configuration files for the search head cluster, not the apps that are distributed by the deployer3.
  3. The etc/deploy-apps/ directory is not a valid Splunk directory, as it does not exist in the Splunk file system structure4.

Question # 5

Which of the following tasks should the architect perform when building a deployment plan? (Select all that apply.)


Use case checklist.


Install Splunk apps.


Inventory data sources.


Review network topology


Review network topology

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