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Splunk SPLK-4001 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which of the following statements are true about local data links? (select all that apply)
A. Anyone with write permission for a dashboard can add local data links that appear on that dashboard.
B. Local data links can only have a Splunk Observability Cloud internal destination.
C. Only Splunk Observability Cloud administrators can create local links.
D. Local data links are available on only one dashboard.

A. Anyone with write permission for a dashboard can add local data links that appear on that dashboard.
D. Local data links are available on only one dashboard.
Explanation: The correct answers are A and D.
According to the Get started with Splunk Observability Cloud document1, one of the topics that is covered in the Getting Data into Splunk Observability Cloud course is global and local data links. Data links are shortcuts that provide convenient access to related resources, such as Splunk Observability Cloud dashboards, Splunk Cloud Platform and Splunk Enterprise, custom URLs, and Kibana logs.
The document explains that there are two types of data links: global and local. Global data links are available on all dashboards and charts, while local data links are available on only one dashboard. The document also provides the following information about local data links:
Anyone with write permission for a dashboard can add local data links that appear on that dashboard.
Local data links can have either a Splunk Observability Cloud internal destination or an external destination, such as a custom URL or a Kibana log.
Only Splunk Observability Cloud administrators can delete local data links.
Therefore, based on this document, we can conclude that A and D are true statements about local data links. B and C are false statements because:
B is false because local data links can have an external destination as well as an internal one.
C is false because anyone with write permission for a dashboard can create local data links, not just administrators.

Question # 2

What happens when the limit of allowed dimensions is exceeded for an MTS?
A. The additional dimensions are dropped.
B. The datapoint is averaged.
C. The datapoint is updated.
D. The datapoint is dropped.

A. The additional dimensions are dropped.


According to the web search results, dimensions are metadata in the form of key-value pairs that monitoring software sends in along with the metrics. The set of metric time series (MTS) dimensions sent during ingest is used, along with the metric name, to uniquely identify an MTS1. Splunk Observability Cloud has a limit of 36 unique dimensions per MTS2. If the limit of allowed dimensions is exceeded for an MTS, the additional dimensions are dropped and not stored or indexed by Observability Cloud2. This means that the data point is still ingested, but without the extra dimensions. Therefore, option A is correct.

Question # 3

What are the best practices for creating detectors? (select all that apply)
A. View data at highest resolution.
B. Have a consistent value.
C. View detector in a chart.
D. Have a consistent type of measurement.

A. View data at highest resolution.
B. Have a consistent value.
C. View detector in a chart.
D. Have a consistent type of measurement.
Explanation: The best practices for creating detectors are:
View data at highest resolution. This helps to avoid missing important signals or patterns in the data that could indicate anomalies or issues1.
Have a consistent value. This means that the metric or dimension used for detection should have a clear and stable meaning across different sources, contexts, and time periods. For example, avoid using metrics that are affected by changes in configuration, sampling, or aggregation2.
View detector in a chart. This helps to visualize the data and the detector logic, as well as to identify any false positives or negatives. It also allows to adjust the detector parameters and thresholds based on the data distribution and behavior3.
Have a consistent type of measurement. This means that the metric or dimension used for detection should have the same unit and scale across different sources, contexts, and time periods. For example, avoid mixing bytes and bits, or seconds and milliseconds.

Question # 4

Which of the following are required in the configuration of a data point? (select all that apply)
A. Metric Name
B. Metric Type
C. Timestamp
D. Value

A. Metric Name
C. Timestamp
D. Value
Explanation: The required components in the configuration of a data point are:
Metric Name: A metric name is a string that identifies the type of measurement that the data point represents, such as cpu.utilization, memory.usage, or response.time. A metric name is mandatory for every data point, and it must be unique within a Splunk Observability Cloud organization1.
Timestamp: A timestamp is a numerical value that indicates the time at which the data point was collected or generated. A timestamp is mandatory for every data point, and it must be in epoch time format, which is the number of seconds since January 1, 1970 UTC1.
Value: A value is a numerical value that indicates the magnitude or quantity of the measurement that the data point represents. A value is mandatory for every data point, and it must be compatible with the metric type of the data point1. Therefore, the correct answer is A, C, and D.

Question # 5

Which of the following can be configured when subscribing to a built-in detector?
A. Alerts on team landing page.
B. Alerts on a dashboard.
C. Outbound notifications.
D. Links to a chart.

C. Outbound notifications.
According to the web search results1, subscribing to a built-in detector is a way to receive alerts and notifications from Splunk Observability Cloud when certain criteria are met. A built-in detector is a detector that is automatically created and configured by Splunk Observability Cloud based on the data from your integrations, such as AWS, Kubernetes, or OpenTelemetry1. To subscribe to a built-in detector, you need to do the following steps:
  • Find the built-in detector that you want to subscribe to. You can use the metric finder or the dashboard groups to locate the built-in detectors that are relevant to your data sources1.
  • Hover over the built-in detector and click the Subscribe button. This will open a dialog box where you can configure your subscription settings1.
  • Choose an outbound notification channel from the drop-down menu. This is where you can specify how you want to receive the alert notifications from the built-in detector. You can choose from various channels, such as email, Slack, PagerDuty, webhook, and so on2. You can also create a new notification channel by clicking the + icon2.
  • Enter the notification details for the selected channel. This may include your email address, Slack channel name, PagerDuty service key, webhook URL, and so on2. You can also customize the notification message with variables and markdown formatting2.
  • Click Save. This will subscribe you to the built-in detector and send you alert notifications through the chosen channel when the detector triggers or clears an alert.
Therefore, option C is correct.

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