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  • Last Updation Date: 28-Mar-2025
  • Certification: Cybersecurity Defense Analyst
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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Splunk SPLK-5001 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

When searching in Splunk, which of the following SPL commands can be used to run a subsearch across every field in a wildcard field list?
A. foreach
B. rex
C. makeresults
D. transaction

A. foreach
Explanation: Theforeachcommand in Splunk is used to iterate over a list of fields that match a wildcard expression and apply a subsearch or function to each of them. This is particularly useful when you need to perform an operation across multiple fields dynamically identified by a wildcard pattern. None of the other options (rex,makeresults, ortransaction) are designed for this specific purpose. Theforeachcommand allows for flexible and efficient processing of multiple fields without having to explicitly name them all.

Question # 2

An analyst is building a search to examine Windows XML Event Logs, but the initial search
is not returning any extracted fields. Based on the above image, what is themost
A. The analyst does not have the proper role to search this data.
B. The analyst is searching newly indexed data that was improperly parsed.
C. The analyst did not add the excract command to their search pipeline.
D. The analyst is not in the Drooer Search Mode and should switch to Smart or Verbose.

D. The analyst is not in the Drooer Search Mode and should switch to Smart or Verbose.
Explanation: In Splunk, when an analyst is building a search and finds that extracted fields are not appearing, it often relates to the search mode being used.Smart ModeorVerbose Modeare better suitedfor field extraction as they allow Splunk to automatically extract and display fields based on the data being searched.

Question # 3

While testing the dynamic removal of credit card numbers, an analyst lands on using therexcommand. What mode needs to be set to in order to replace the defined values with X?

| makeresults

| eval ccnumber="511388720478619733"

| rex field=ccnumber mode=???"s/(\d{4}-){3)/XXXX-XXXX-XXXX-/g"

Please assume that the aboverexcommand is correctly written.
A. sed
B. replace
C. mask
D. substitute

A. sed

Question # 4

The United States Department of Defense (DoD) requires all government contractors to provide adequate security safeguards referenced in National Institute of Standards and Technology (NIST) 800-171. All DoD contractors must continually reassess, monitor, and track compliance to be able to do business with the US government. Which feature of Splunk Enterprise Security provides an analyst context for the correlation search mapping to the specific NIST guidelines?
A. Comments
B. Moles
C. Annotations
D. Framework mapping

D. Framework mapping
Explanation: Splunk Enterprise Security provides a feature calledFramework Mappingthat allows correlation searches to be mapped to specific cybersecurity frameworks, including NIST 800-171, which is crucial for DoD contractors. This mapping provides context to the analyst by showing how particular searches align with compliance requirements, aiding in continuous monitoring and reassessment as mandated by the DoD. This feature is integral for organizations that need to demonstrate compliance with NIST guidelines and other security frameworks.

Question # 5

An analyst needs to create a new field at search time. Which Splunk command will dynamically extract additional fields as part of a Search pipeline?
A. rex
B. fields
C. regex
D. eval

A. rex

In Splunk, therexcommand is used to extract fields from raw event data using regular expressions. This command allows analysts to dynamically extract additional fields as part of a search pipeline, which is crucial for creating new fields during search time based on specific patterns found in the log data. Therexcommand is highly flexible and powerful, making it essential for refining and manipulating data in a Splunk environment. The other options (fields,regex,eval) have their uses, butrexis specifically designed for dynamic field extraction.

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