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CompTIA SY0-701 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

An analyst is evaluating the implementation of Zero Trust principles within the data plane. Which of the following would be most relevant for the analyst to evaluate?
A. Secured zones
B. Subject role
C. Adaptive identity
D. Threat scope reduction

D. Threat scope reduction
Explanation: The data plane, also known as the forwarding plane, is the part of the network that carries user traffic and data. It is responsible for moving packets from one device to another based on the routing and switching decisions made by the control plane. The data plane is a critical component of the Zero Trust architecture, as it is where most of the attacks and breaches occur. Therefore, implementing Zero Trust principles within the data plane can help to improve the security and resilience of the network. One of the key principles of Zero Trust is to assume breach and minimize the blast radius and segment access. This means that the network should be divided into smaller and isolated segments or zones, each with its own security policies and controls. This way, if one segment is compromised, the attacker cannot easily move laterally to other segments and access more resources or data. This principle is also known as threat scope reduction, as it reduces the scope and impact of a potential threat. The other options are not as relevant for the data plane as threat scope reduction. Secured zones are a concept related to the control plane, which is the part of the network that makes routing and switching decisions. Subject role is a concept related to the identity plane, which is the part of the network that authenticates and authorizes users and devices. Adaptive identity is a concept related to the policy plane, which is the part of the network that defines and enforces the security policies and rules.

Question # 2

Which of the following is a type of vulnerability that refers to the unauthorized installation of applications on a device through means other than the official application store?
A. Cross-site scripting
B. Buffer overflow
C. Jailbreaking
D. Side loading

D. Side loading
Explanation: Side loading refers to the process of installing applications on a device from outside the official app store, which can introduce security vulnerabilities by bypassing standard app validation processes. References: Security+ SY0-701 Course Content, Security+ SY0-601 Book.

Question # 3

During a recent breach, employee credentials were compromised when a service desk employee issued an MFA bypass code to an attacker who called and posed as an employee. Which of the following should be used to prevent this type of incident in the future?
A. Hardware token MFA
B. Biometrics
C. Identity proofing
D. Least privilege

C. Identity proofing
Explanation: To prevent the issuance of an MFA bypass code to an attacker posing as an employee, implementing identity proofing would be most effective. Identity proofing involves verifying the identity of individuals before granting access or providing sensitive information. Identity proofing: Ensures that the person requesting the MFA bypass is who they claim to be, thereby preventing social engineering attacks where attackers pose as legitimate employees.

Question # 4

An organization implemented cloud-managed IP cameras to monitor building entry points and sensitive areas. The service provider enables direct TCP/IP connection to stream live video footage from each camera. The organization wants to ensure this stream is encrypted and authenticated. Which of the following protocols should be implemented to best meet this objective?

Explanation: Secure Real-Time Transport Protocol (SRTP) is a security protocol used to encrypt and authenticate the streaming of audio and video over IP networks. It ensures that the video streams from the IP cameras are both encrypted to prevent unauthorized access and authenticated to verify the integrity of the stream, making it the ideal choice for securing video surveillance.

Question # 5

Which of the following threat actors is the most likely to use large financial resources to attack critical systems located in other countries?
A. Insider
B. Unskilled attacker
C. Nation-state
D. Hacktivist

C. Nation-state
Explanation: A nation-state is a threat actor that is sponsored by a government or a political entity to conduct cyberattacks against other countries or organizations. Nation- states have large financial resources, advanced technical skills, and strategic objectives that may target critical systems such as military, energy, or infrastructure. Nation-states are often motivated by espionage, sabotage, or warfare12. References = 1: CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 Certification Study Guide, page 542: Threat Actors – CompTIA Security+ SY0-701 – 2.1, video by Professor Messer.

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