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Salesforce Associate Certification Exam Dumps


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We are providing all valid and updated Salesforce Salesforce-Associate dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by Salesforce Associate Certification certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these Salesforce dumps and pass your Salesforce Certified Associate Exam (WI25) exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

Salesforce Salesforce-Associate Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

An insurance call center is experiencing increased policy support callswhich hasled to long wait times and disappointed customers.
Which cloud will decrease the number of incoming calls, empower customers, and increase satisfaction?
A. CRM Analytics
B. Experience
C. Cloud Sales Cloud

B. Experience
Explanation: The cloud that will decrease the number of incoming calls, empower customers, and increase satisfaction for the insurance call center is Experience Cloud. Experience Cloud is a product that allows companies to create digital experiences for their customers, partners, and employees, such as websites, portals, forums, and mobile apps. Experience Cloud helps the insurance call center to provide self-service options, such as FAQs, knowledge articles, chatbots, and case management, to its customers, so that they can find answers and solutions on their own, without having to call the agents. This reduces the call volume and improves the customer satisfaction and loyalty.

Question # 2

Two users in the same opportunity record are seeing different fields. What isthe reasonfor this?
A. The missing fields are marked as hidden in Object Manager.
B. The users are assigned different profiles and page layouts.
C. The users have been configured with different Locales.

B. The users are assigned different profiles and page layouts.

The users are assigned different profiles and page layouts, which determine the fields they can see and edit on the opportunity record.

Question # 3

Get Cloudy Consulting is rolling out Salesforce to its organization. What should be used to allow additional field-level access to individual employees based on the their job duties?
A. Individual profiles
B. Permission sets
C. Role Hierarchy

B. Permission sets

Permission sets are what should be used to allow additional field-level access to individual employees based on their job duties. Permission sets are a type of metadata that grant additional access and permissions to users based on their functional or departmental needs. Permission sets can include field-level security settings that allow read or edit access to specific fields on an object. Permission sets can be assigned to multiple users, regardless of their profile. Individual profiles are a type of metadata that define the baseline access and permissions for users based on their license type and job function. Profiles include field-level security settings that allow read or edit access to fields on an object. Profiles cannot be assigned to individual users, but to a group of users who share the same license and job function. Role hierarchy is a type of metadata that define the level of access and visibility of records for users based on their position in the organization. Role hierarchy allows users to access records owned by or shared with users below them in the hierarchy. Role hierarchy does not affect field-level access, but record-level access.

Question # 4

A Salesforce associate wants to refresh a report and email it to an executive team each week. Which functionality of Salesforce Reports should the associate use?
A. Refresh
B. Notifications
C. Subscriptions

C. Subscriptions

Question # 5

Get Cloud Consulting (GCC) currently uses separate platform for marketingsales, commerce, service, and information technology. As GCC continues to grow, it decides to move all departments onto Salesforce.
What would provide GCC the most benefit bymobbingto the Salesforce Platform?
A. Salesforce increases security by only requiring employees to remember one password.
B. Salesforcesaves companies money by eliminating the need to purchase licenses for multiple systems.
C. Salesforce provides a complete view of a company's customers on one unified platform.

C. Salesforce provides a complete view of a company's customers on one unified platform.
Explanation: The most benefit that GCC would get by moving to the Salesforce Platform is that it provides a complete view of a company’s customers on one unified platform. This means that GCC can access and manage all the data and processes related to its marketing, sales, commerce, service, and IT departments from one place, without having to switch between different systems or platforms. This also enables GCC to have a 360- degree view of its customers, which helps it deliver personalized and consistent experiences across all touchpoints.

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