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Salesforce Salesforce-Maps-Professional Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

How can an Admin ensure all Maps Users can see each other's Routes and Schedules?
A. Disable "Routing Role Security"
B. Enable "Allow Route/Schedule Sharing"
C. Create a new Permission Set to grant access
D. Enable Maps Object Permissions for appropriate Profile(s)

B. Enable "Allow Route/Schedule Sharing"

The Admin should enable “Allow Route/Schedule Sharing” to ensure all Maps Users can see each other’s Routes and Schedules. This setting allows users to share their Routes and Schedules with other users in their org, and also view the Routes and Schedules of other users who have shared them. This setting can be found in the Routes and Schedule settings within Maps Configuration. This is explained in the Routes and Schedule Settings in Maps document.

Question # 2

A regional sales director wants to import all accounts in a region into a single view within Territory Planning. There are over 350,000 accounts that make up the territories in this region. Which data set creation strategy should a Consultant recommend?
A. Split the accounts across multiple data sets.
B. Use multiple SOQL queries.
C. Use a single SOQL query and aggregate to the container level.
D. Use multiple Salesforce reports.

C. Use a single SOQL query and aggregate to the container level.

According to the Trailhead module 2, this is the best strategy for creating a data set with a large number of accounts. A single SOQL query can retrieve up to 500,000 records, and aggregating to the container level can reduce the number of units in the data set. This can improve the performance and efficiency of Territory Planning

Question # 3

Which two permission sets must an admin assign to sales rep to enable their location tracking?
A. SF Maps Live Mobile Tracking
B. SF Maps Admin
C. SF Maps Live Admin
D. SF Maps

A. SF Maps Live Mobile Tracking
D. SF Maps

The two permission sets that an admin must assign to a sales rep to enable their location tracking are SF Maps and SF Maps Live Mobile Tracking. These permission sets grant access to the Salesforce Maps app and the Salesforce Maps Live feature, which allow users to activate and deactivate live location tracking through their mobile device. The admin must also assign the corresponding permission set licenses and a Maps Permission Group with the Enable Live Mobile Tracking permission. This is explained in the Enable Live Location in the Maps App document.

Question # 4

An organization requires sales reps utilize Salesforce Maps "Check in" and "Check out". A lot of sales reps have open tasks, they often forget to check out of a task when leaving an appointment. What steps can an admin take to ensure users do not forget to check out of a task using out of the box functionality?
A. Enable Auto Check Out in Permission Groups under Installed Package | Configure | Permission Groups
B. Go to Salesforce reports, create and share a completed task report with users, and add the report to the users dashboard.
C. Complete the check in settings under Installed Package | Configure | Base objects and make sure verification distance is configured.
D. Enable "Auto Check Out" for the corresponding Base Object under Installed Package | Configure | Base Objects

D. Enable "Auto Check Out" for the corresponding Base Object under Installed Package | Configure | Base Objects
Explanation: Salesforce Maps allows users to check in and check out of tasks, events, and other records from the map interface. This feature helps users track their activities and log their visits. However, some users may forget to check out of a task when they leave an appointment, which can cause inaccurate data and reports. To prevent this, an admin can enable the “Auto Check Out” feature for the corresponding Base Object under Installed Package | Configure | Base Objects. This feature automatically checks out a user from a record when they move away from the location by a certain distance. The admin can specify the distance threshold and the time interval for the auto check out feature. This way, the users do not have to manually check out of a task, and the data is updated automatically. References: Salesforce Maps User Guide, Salesforce Maps Check In and Check Out, Salesforce Maps Base Objects

Question # 5

Alpine Energy realigns its sales territories quarterly and saves a copy of the final alignment published during each planning cycle. At the start of the next quarter, planners for the company want to avoid redrawing the existing territory boundaries every time they create a new data set and alignment. Which Territory Planning feature could Alpine Energy use to accomplish this?
A. Import from Alignment
B. Import from CSV
C. Import from Salesforce Territory Model
D. Import from Data Set

A. Import from Alignment
Explanation: To avoid redrawing the existing territory boundaries every time they create a new data set and alignment, Alpine Energy can use the Import from Alignment feature in Territory Planning. This feature allows the customer to import an existing territory model and boundary assignments from another alignment that uses the same territory boundaries as the new data set. This way, the customer can save time and effort by reusing their previous territory design and making adjustments as needed. To use this feature, the customer can follow these steps: Click the Territory Planning tab to launch the app and display the Browser window. Hover over an active data set and click the + symbol to add a new alignment. Enter a Name and Description (optional) for the alignment and click Next. In the Create Alignment window, select Import Model | Import from Alignment | Next. Select an existing alignment from which to import the model and boundary assignments. Click Import.

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