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We are providing all valid and updated Salesforce Salesforce-Maps-Professional dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by Salesforce Maps certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these Salesforce dumps and pass your Salesforce Maps Accredited Professional (SU24) exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

Salesforce Salesforce-Maps-Professional Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

In which two ways can a rep update the hours they can be on the road when using Maps Advanced?
A. Update Maps Advanced Shared Visit Windows
B. Change Maps Advanced Visit Windows for all their accounts.
C. Click on their settings from Maps Advanced Route and update their working hours.
D. Click on a day within Maps Advanced Route and update the start and end times

C. Click on their settings from Maps Advanced Route and update their working hours.
D. Click on a day within Maps Advanced Route and update the start and end times

there are two ways that a rep can update the hours they can be on the road when using Maps Advanced. One is to click on their settings from Maps Advanced Route and update their working hours4. The other is to click on a day within Maps Advanced Route and update the start and end times5. Therefore, the correct answers are C and D.

Question # 2

The Salesforce* Maps admin for the company has been tasked with creating layers for the sales team. The admin navigates to the Layers tab in Salesforce Maps and selects the New button to begin creating a layer. All of the options are greyed out. How can the admin resolve this issue?
A. Enable the "Create Layers' permission within her assigned permission group.
B. Contact Salesforce support to enable the "Create Layers" permission
C. Select either the Personal or Corporate folder before attempting to create a layer.
D. Create the layer in the Maps configuration menu

C. Select either the Personal or Corporate folder before attempting to create a layer.

According to the Salesforce Maps documentation1, to create a data layer, the admin must first select either the Personal or Corporate folder in the Layers tab. The Personal folder is for saving data layers privately so only the admin can see them, while the Corporate folder is for sharing data layers with other maps users. After selecting a folder, the admin can hover over New and select Data Layer, then name the data layer and select the data source, filter, and style options. If the admin does not select a folder before attempting to create a layer, all of the options will be greyed out and unavailable.


1: Create Data Layers | Salesforce Help1

Question # 3

A delivery agent needs to visit 124 customers in one workday but when they try to optimize the route they keep running into an error. What could be the cause of the error?
A. The route type is set as "Standard"
B. The agent is using Pedestrian'' mode
C. The route type is set as Time-Based"
D. The shift length is too short.

D. The shift length is too short.
Explanation: The shift length is too short. This could be the cause of the error when trying to optimize the route with 124 customers. The shift length is the maximum amount of time that a user can work in a day, and it is set in the visit plan settings. If the shift length is too short, it may not be possible to visit all the customers within the time limit, and the optimization may fail. To avoid this error, the administrator should increase the shift length or reduce the number of customers in the dataset. This is explained in the Specify Visit and Optimization Parameters document.

Question # 4

A user plots a Marker Layer on a mobile device and notices a handful of missing markers compared to when the user plotted the same Marker Layer on desktop. What two reasons are most likely to cause this discrepancy?
A. The filters on the Layer have been changed
B. The maximum records to plot setting for mobile is considerably less compared to desktop
C. Plot Visible Area is enabled
D. The underlying Salesforce records have been deleted

B. The maximum records to plot setting for mobile is considerably less compared to desktop
C. Plot Visible Area is enabled
Explanation: According to the Trailhead module 2, there are two possible reasons for missing markers on mobile devices compared to desktop devices. One is that the maximum records to plot setting for mobile is considerably less compared to desktop, which means that only a subset of records will be plotted on the map. The other is that the plot visible area feature is enabled, which means that only the records that fall within the current map view will be plotted.

Question # 5

What are the three reasons why a user would plot a Live Layer in Maps?
A. To dispatch the nearest driver to a service call
B. To measure the distance driven for a Live Asset during a specific period of time
C. To enable Live Location for a driver
D. To validate a driver's location in the event of an emergency
E. To see any occurrences of speeding events for a given Live Asset

A. To dispatch the nearest driver to a service call
D. To validate a driver's location in the event of an emergency
E. To see any occurrences of speeding events for a given Live Asset

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