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Marketing Cloud Associate Exam Dumps


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We are providing all valid and updated Salesforce Salesforce-Marketing-Associate dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by Marketing Cloud Associate certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these Salesforce dumps and pass your Salesforce Certified Marketing Associate Exam exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

Salesforce Salesforce-Marketing-Associate Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which key allows marketers to manage customers subscribed to multiple channels as one unique profile?
A. Primary Key
B. Contact Key
C. API Key

B. Contact Key

In Salesforce Marketing Cloud, the Contact Key serves as a unique identifier for each customer across multiple channels, allowing marketers to manage and recognize individual customers as a single unique profile regardless of how many channels they interact with. This is crucial for maintaining a unified view of the customer and ensuring that marketing efforts are coherent and consistent across different touchpoints.

The Contact Key enables a holistic approach to customer data management, supporting targeted and personalized marketing efforts across various channels, including email, mobile, social media, and more.

References: Salesforce Marketing Cloud documentation on Contact Management clearly outlines the role and importance of the Contact Key in managing customer profiles and ensuring a unified approach to cross-channel marketing.

Question # 2

Northern Trail Outfitters created a new team to oversee its marketing strategy. They want a way to categorize content by any criteria, marketing tactic, geography, and product line. What should an associate recommend?
A. Enable content tags
B. Create custom folder permissions
C. Organize folders alphabetically.

A. Enable content tags
Explanation: Content tags in Salesforce Marketing Cloud are designed to categorize content by various criteria, such as marketing tactics, geography, and product lines. Enabling and using content tags allows users to apply descriptive labels to content within the Marketing Cloud, making it easier to organize, search, and report on content. This feature supports a more structured and accessible content management system, which is particularly useful for teams overseeing complex marketing strategies with diverse content needs across different segments and regions.

Question # 3

The marketing team at Northern Trail Outfitters wants to send birthday discount coupons to its recipients and to accommodate family members who want to opt in together with a single email address. Which attribute should an associate use to uniquely identify each family member?
A. Full Name
B. Subscriber Key
C. Primary Key

B. Subscriber Key

In the scenario where the marketing team at Northern Trail Outfitters wants to send birthday discount coupons to recipients and accommodate family members who share a single email address, the most appropriate attribute to use for uniquely identifying each family member is the Subscriber Key. The Subscriber Key is a unique identifier in Salesforce Marketing Cloud that allows for the differentiation of individuals even if they share the same email address.

By assigning a unique Subscriber Key to each family member, the marketing team can ensure that personalized content, such as birthday discounts, is appropriately targeted and managed for each individual, regardless of the email address being shared. This approach allows for more personalized and targeted marketing efforts, enhancing the customer experience and engagement.

References: Salesforce Marketing Cloud documentation on Subscriber Management clearly outlines the importance and use of the Subscriber Key for unique identification of subscribers in scenarios where multiple users might share the same contact information, such as an email address.

Question # 4

Northern Trail Outfitters (NTO) wants more insight into website traffic and behavior generated from promotional email campaigns. Which type of tracking should the associate add to links in emails to better understand NTO's site traffic?
A. Behavioral Triggers
B. UTM Parameters
C. Link Alias

B. UTM Parameters

UTM Parameters are tags added to URLs in emails to track site traffic originating from specific campaigns. These parameters provide insights into website traffic, user behavior, and the effectiveness of promotional email campaigns by tracking data within Google Analytics or similar platforms.

Benefits of UTM Parameters: They offer detailed information on traffic sources, helping NTO understand which campaigns drive website visits and conversions.

Salesforce Documentation Reference: For more on tracking with UTM Parameters, see Using UTM Parameters in Marketing Cloud.

Question # 5

A marketing associate at Cloud Kicks has created a promotional email and wants to send it
to internal marketing, compliance, and sales teams. The teams currently consist of 15
individuals each.
How should the associate send a preview of the promotional email to the internal teams?
A. Send a proof based on a Subscriber Preview.
B. Send to a test data extension in the test send.
C. Enter the email addresses under Recipient in the test send.

A. Send a proof based on a Subscriber Preview.
Explanation: When a marketing associate at Cloud Kicks wants to send a preview of a promotional email to internal teams, the most efficient method is to send a proof based on a Subscriber Preview. This feature allows the sender to generate a preview of how the email will appear to recipients, including personalized content and dynamic elements. Sending a proof ensures that internal stakeholders such as marketing, compliance, and sales teams can review the email exactly as it would appear to the intended audience, allowing for comprehensive feedback on content, design, and compliance aspects. This approach is particularly useful for internal reviews, as it provides a realistic representation of the customer experience, facilitating effective collaboration and quality assurance before the final send.

References: Salesforce Marketing Cloud documentation on Email Studio provides guidelines on sending proofs and using Subscriber Preview for internal testing and review of emails, ensuring that communications are thoroughly vetted before reaching the audience.

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