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We are providing all valid and updated Salesforce Salesforce-Sales-Representative dumps. These questions and answers dumps pdf are created by Sales Professional certified professional and rechecked for verification so there is no chance of any mistake. Just get these Salesforce dumps and pass your Salesforce Certified Sales Representative (SU24) exam. Chat with live support person to know more....

Salesforce Salesforce-Sales-Representative Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

A prospect visited a company's website and completed a form expressing interest in a product.
What should a sales rep focus on when qualifying the prospect?
A. Customer needs
B. Product features
C. Marketing goals

A. Customer needs
Explanation: Customer needs are what the sales rep should focus on when qualifying a prospect who visited a company’s website and completed a form expressing interest in a product. Customer needs are the problems, challenges, goals, or desires that the prospect has and that the product can address. Focusing on customer needs helps to understand the value proposition of the product, build rapport and trust with the prospect, and determine their fit and readiness for the product.

Question # 2

After verbally agreeing to the price and receiving a formal agreement, the customer informs the sales representative they are delaying the signature due to concerns about a liability risk.
Which customer role should the sales rep meet with to address the concerns?
A. Legal
B. Operations
C. Finance

A. Legal
Explanation: The customer role that the sales rep should meet with to address the concerns about a liability risk is legal. Legal is the customer role that is responsible for reviewing and approving the contractual terms and conditions, ensuring compliance with laws and regulations, and mitigating any potential risks or liabilities. The sales rep should consult with their own legal team and work collaboratively with the customer’s legal team to resolve any issues or objections, and to finalize the agreement.

Question # 3

A sales representative has a list of prospects to cold call but is unsure whether the task is beneficial. After a discussion with their mentor, the sales rep has the information they need and is ready to get started.

What is one benefit of cold calling?
A. Key decision makers usually respond more readily to phone calls.
B. Phone calls provide immediate feedback whether the lead is worth pursuing.
C. Phone calls are a quicker and more scalable method of contact.

B. Phone calls provide immediate feedback whether the lead is worth pursuing.
Explanation: Cold calling is the process of contacting potential customers who have not expressed any prior interest in your product or service. Cold calling can be a challenging but rewarding task for sales representatives, as it can help them generate new leads and opportunities. One of the benefits of cold calling is that phone calls provide immediate feedback whether the lead is worth pursuing or not. Unlike other methods of contact, such as email or social media, phone calls allow the sales rep to gauge the level of interest, need, and urgency of the prospect, as well as to address any objections or questions they may have. Phone calls also enable the sales rep to establish rapport and trust with the prospect, and to move them along the sales process more quickly and effectively.

Question # 4

A sales representative is using a creative problem-solving process to help their customer uncover breakthrough solutions.
What is the name of this approach?
A. Linear sales
B. Design thinking
C. Agile methodology

B. Design thinking
Explanation: Design thinking is a creative problem-solving process that involves understanding the customer’s needs, challenges, and goals, and generating innovative solutions that address them. Design thinking is based on five stages: empathize, define, ideate, prototype, and test. By using design thinking, sales representatives can help their customers discover new possibilities, overcome obstacles, and create value.

Question # 5

A forecast is based on the rollup of a set of opportunities. What are three dimensions in a forecast rollup?
A. Contacts, product family, and revenue
B. Time, categories, and territories
C. Quotes, contacts, and territories

B. Time, categories, and territories
Explanation: A forecast is a projection of how much revenue you can generate in a quarter. A forecast rollup is the aggregation of a set of opportunities based on three dimensions: time, categories, and territories. Time refers to the fiscal period, such as month or quarter, that the forecast covers. Categories refer to the stages of the sales process, such as commit, best case, or pipeline. Territories refer to the sales regions or markets that the forecast applies to.

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