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Salesforce Salesforce-Slack-Administrator Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

What actions can Channel Managers take on channels they are assigned?
A. -Convert channels from public to private
Rename or achieve channels
-Add and manage other Channel Managers
B. -Convert channels from public to private
-Restore a deleted channel
-Access audit logs in Slack
C. Add, remove, and edit user roles
-Rename or archive channels
-Add and manage other Channel Managers
D. -Convert channels from public to private
-Restore a deleted channel
-Add and manage other channel Managers

A. -Convert channels from public to private
Rename or achieve channels
-Add and manage other Channel Managers

Question # 2

You're a Workspace Admin for your organization's Slack's Business+ instance. You need to report on the number of both daily and weekly active users within your workspace in the last 30 days. Where can you find this information? (Select the best answer.)
A. Org analytics dashboard
B. Workspace analytics dashboard
C. Analytics members dashboard
E. Message activity analytics

B. Workspace analytics dashboard

Question # 3

You're a Workspace Admin looking to set up a user group for a new hire class your organization has recently hired.
What is a key benefit of setting up a user group for these individuals?
A. These users will only be granted access to the channels that they've been added to, ensuring that other organization channels remain confidential until they complete their onboarding.
B. The user group can then be added to all relevant new-hire and onboarding channels, ensuring that no one gets left behind or is accidentally excluded from any channels they should be in.
C. When writing a message from any of their workspaces on the Enterprise Grid, any member can send a notification to the new hires with one @mention.
D. Admins can foster a sense of community by creating a group-only direct message (DM).

B. The user group can then be added to all relevant new-hire and onboarding channels, ensuring that no one gets left behind or is accidentally excluded from any channels they should be in.

Question # 4

Pawnee Technologies is a global cloud software company that uses Slack Enterprise Grid to communicate and collaborate.
You're a Slack Workspace Admin for your company's External workspace where your team collaborates with external partners. Today you're onboarding a new team member who will need to log in and join your workspace. You receive a direct message (DM) from them reporting a problem. While they had no issues joining the Global and Social workspaces, they report that Slack isn't giving them an option to join the External workspace, even though it shows up when they search for it.
Why is the new hire unable to join your workspace?
(Select the best answer.)
A. The Workspace Admin must add the new hire as a Single Channel Guest to the workspace.
B. The workspace requires approval from the external partner for new members to join.
C. The workspace requires the new member to request to join.
D. The workspace requires an invitation from the Workspace Admin to join

B. The workspace requires approval from the external partner for new members to join.

Question # 5

Large Inc is launching Enterprise Grid. They have decided to create a workspace for each line of business, and one workspace for social channels. Members are assigned to two workspaces, but are allowed to join other workspaces if they want to.
What is the main benefit of this Grid design?
A. Workspace Administration efforts can be distributed to representatives from each line of business who know the needs of their business unit best.
B. Members experience less context switching when they are given the chance to access several workspaces.
C. There is no added benefit to this Grid design because the Workspace Admin and member experience is the same regardless of how many workspaces you create.
D. Workspace Administration is centralized and therefore presents less of an opportunity for breaches in org- wide policy and process decisions.

A. Workspace Administration efforts can be distributed to representatives from each line of business who know the needs of their business unit best.

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