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  • Last Updation Date: 17-Feb-2025
  • Certification: UiPath Certified Professional - Developer Track
  • 96% Exam Success Rate
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UiPath UiPath-ADAv1 Exam Sample Questions

Question # 1

Which activity is used to archive a set of files and send them as an attachment in an email?
A. Create Folder
B. Archive Files
C. Compress/Zip Files
D. Create File

C. Compress/Zip Files
The Compress/Zip Files activity is used to archive a set of files and send them as an attachment in an email. This activity allows the developer to specify the source folder that contains the files to be archived, the destination folder where the compressed file will be created, and the name of the compressed file. The activity also supports various compression formats, such as zip, tar, gz, bz2, xz, and 7z. The compressed file can then be attached to an email using the AttachmentsCollection property of the Send Mail activity. This way, the developer can reduce the size and number of the files to be sent, as well as protect them with a password if needed.

Compress/Zip Files - UiPath Activities
Send Mail - UiPath Activities
How to send multiple files in one attachment in uipath - UiPath Community Forum

Question # 2

When using a dynamic selector which data type is supported?
A. UiElement
B. Double
C. String
D. Data Table

C. String
When using a dynamic selector, the data type that is supported is String. A dynamic selector is a selector that uses a variable or an argument as a property for the attribute of the target element. This allows the selector to easily identify the target element based on the value of the variable or argument, and not an exact string, which might change depending on the interactions inside the automation project1. The variable or argument that is used in the dynamic selector must be of type String, as the attribute values are always strings2. For example, a dynamic selector can use a variable named MenuOption to click on different menu items in an application, such as File, Edit, or Format. The variable MenuOption must be a String variable, and its value can be changed at runtime to interact with different elements. A dynamic selector has the following format, where { {Value}} is the name of the variable or argument that holds the property of the element you want to interact with1:
Dynamic Selector Format

References: Dynamic Selectors and How many types of selectors are in UiPath? from UiPath documentation and forum.

Question # 3

During which stage does an automation developer have the least contribution and responsibility?
A. In the Discovery and Kickoff, Process Analysis, and Solution Design stages.
B. In the Development and Unit Testing, Integration and UAT, and Deployment and Hypercare stages.
C. In the Solution Design, Development and Unit Testing, and Deployment and Hypercare stages.
D. In the Discovery and Kickoff, Development and Unit Testing, and Deployment and Hypercare stages.

A. In the Discovery and Kickoff, Process Analysis, and Solution Design stages.
According to the UiPath Automation Implementation Methodology, the automation lifecycle consists of six stages: Discovery and Kickoff, Process Analysis, Solution Design, Development and Unit Testing, Integration and UAT, and Deployment and Hypercare. The automation developer has the least contribution and responsibility in the first three stages, as they are mainly focused on identifying, analyzing, and designing the automation solution. The automation developer’s role is more prominent in the last three stages, as they are responsible for developing, testing, deploying, and monitoring the automation projects and components.

References: Automation Lifecycle - Standalone, Automation Developer

Question # 4

If you are inserting activities into a Sequence in UiPath Studio, in which panel do the activities appear?
A. Snippets
B. Designer
C. Imports
D. Outline

B. Designer
The Designer panel is the central panel in UiPath Studio, where you can design your automation workflows by dragging and dropping activities. When you insert activities into a Sequence, they appear in the Designer panel as a linear representation that flows from top to bottom. The Snippets panel contains ready-made workflows that you can reuse in your projects. The Imports panel allows you to import namespaces and libraries that you can use in your workflows. The Outline panel shows the hierarchical structure of your project and its components.

References: The User Interface, Sequences

Question # 5

What is a pre-requisite for running functional test cases in REFramework?
A. Invoke Process XAML file
B. Invoke InitAllSettings XAML file
C. Invoke SetTransactionStatus XAML file
D. Invoke Main XAML file

B. Invoke InitAllSettings XAML file
A pre-requisite for running functional test cases in REFramework is to invoke the InitAllSettings XAML file, which initializes the application, reads the configuration file, and sets the log level. This file is invoked in the Init state of the Main XAML file, which is the entry point of the REFramework. By invoking the InitAllSettings file, you can ensure that the test cases have access to the necessary settings and parameters for the automation project. (UiPath Studio - Testing Frameworks - UiPath Academy)

Studio - Testing Frameworks - UiPath Documentation Portal
UiPath Studio - Testing Frameworks - UiPath Academy
REFramework documentation.pdf - Google Drive

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